Room Details

Dimensions: 25’ × 12’  Medium
Ceiling: 9’

Components Toggle details

    • Marantz SACD30N
    • Musical Fidelity A3.2cr Dual Mono Amp
    • Tyler Acoustics Taylo 7u
    • Acoustic Zen Silver

Comments 6

mfcmt: I tried the SACD30 witha Rogue Sphinx V3 and didn't like it all; far too boomy and artificial sounding. I'm hoping a tube pre between the 30 and the amp smooths things out a bit.


Elegant and simple and those slim Tyler floorstanders look great.


How well does the modern Marantz mate w/ you Tyler speakers. I likewise have speakers using Seas drivers like Tyler and I'm considering the Model 30 or 40 amp.


Looks like something I’d put together… you’ve got good taste!


TY so much - I just busted it out after about ten years of storage - bought the Marantz to replace an old cd/pre combo - loving it


Great looking simple system! Love the amount of room behind your speakers.

I have speakers with SEAS drivers similar to those on your Tyler's... easy to imagine this is a fantastic sounding system!!!


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