
Help with suggestions, any opinions about a transport? I am trying to get my hands on Transparent Audio speaker cables, but don t be fooled, the Kimber BiFocals XL sounds very good.I'm also using the xlr to rca adaptors from BAT along with the 20 amp to 15 amp adaptors from Transparent. Any opinions will be appreciated.

Components Toggle details

    • Sony DVP-S9000es
    dvd, SACD, remote
    • Balanced Audio VK-5i
    50 lbs
    • Jeff Rowland Design Model--112
    150w x 2, 70 lbs
    • B & W Loudspeakers Nautilus 802
    pair, 2-8in woofers, 6in mid, 1in tweeter
    • Transparent Audio Reference XL
    Reference XL Single-Ended
    • Kimber Kable BiFocal XL
    Biwire cable
    • Transparent Audio PowerLink XL 20
    3 meter, 10 AWG
    • Transparent Audio PowerIsolator XL
    • Richard Gray 1200s
    12 outlets, 50 lbs

Comments 8

IMHO an outboard DAC and anti-jitter box are the way to go. I've had a set of Audio Alchemy boxes in-line for some time (DTI 2.0 and DDE 3.0).I cannot get away from a cd changer -- it's just too convenient and the right cable getting the signal from the transport to the boxes makes a lot of difference. Then you can spend your money on other changes.



I would look for a Mark Levinson 390S. It is just an outstanding player that can act as a pre-amp as well. I exclusively listen to CDs and have my 390S directly driving my ML 336 amplifier. Also using kimber select I/C between the Levinson pieces and kimber bifocal XL to Dunlavy Aletha speakers. I am very pleased with this combination. Soundstage is wide, deep and very three dimensional. Have had experience with Synergistic Designer Ref and Transparent Reference w/xl. Think the kimber gives you the best of both.


Here's a couple of suggestions for a CD unit. Bat vkd5 or d5se. Electrocompaniet EMC1, Audiomeca or Audio Aero. I don't know your price range. Separates are also good like the DCS units used are a steal right now. (I'm selling one so I know 1st hand how digital prices drop over time) You could also have the digital out modded on your sony and feed it to a good dac for now. Then buy a good dedicated transport later. Unfortunately, you have a million choices here!

If you want a one box dvd/cd try Muse, Meridian 596/598 or Camelot roundtable. I have a Muse 9 sig (xlr outs) and it's pretty darn good! Ayre D1 also here.

BTW, I like my transparent power cables a lot too...

Used digital is a good buy right now.


Thank you all for your kind words. I am actually looking for a dedicated cd player. The 9000es belongs to my home theater system, which I borrowed for now. As far as the interconnects are concerned, xlrs are the only way to go but before I upgrade the interconnects I really need to know what cd/transport I am going to use. The KK Bifocals XL are very transparent, detailed and the soundstage is huge. When I first got the Bifocals XL they were horrible, I mean really bad. After the burn in they just seem to open up, sort of like a dam that was holding the water back had suddenly came down. I guess the audiodharma cablecooker 2.5 really helped things out tremendously. The difference was night and day, really. I am eventually going to upgrade my speaker cables soon as well, to what, I’m not sure just yet. What I can really use advice on is a cd/transport. I’m willing to buy used if I can.



Nice system. How do you like the KK BiFocal cables?

I own the Sony e9000es and the SCD-1. Both are very nice but the sonics of the SCD-1 are simply better in every category and put it in a different league than the 9000es. But the 9000es is still a very good all around unit.

-NOJF (no opinions just facts)


Your source is not in the same league as the rest of your system. Instead of buying a new transport, you might want to consider getting you DVP s9000es modified by Dan Wright at I think modding the DVP s9000es is one of his specialties. Also you might want to consider trying get all balanced equipment so you can use XLRs all the way through, instead of using adaptors, which take away the advantages of the balanced outputs on your BAT preamp. A nice, powerfull BAT tube amp would be a nice sounding (but kind of expensive) match.


The XLR cables will really help. Your idea to upgrade that is likely better first than the speaker cables. Also, you have a pretty high rez system. Your source maybe link. The sony is good, but not in the same league as your amp, pre, and speakers.

IMO, Source, XLR cables, speaker cables is the best bang for you. Good luck, a lot of folks will be envious at what you have put together! Analog also is a great move for you...


System edited: Opinions on a transport would be greatly appreciated. I’m in the process of upgrading my speaker cables, but don't be fooled, the Kimber Kable BiFocals XL definitely sounds wonderful in this system. I'm also trying to get my hands on Transparent Audio Reference XL XLR (Balanced) interconnects to run from the pre to the amp.


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