
I have tried to address seismic, electrical/physical and acoustic feedback getting into the system, Still work to do. This is a moderately priced system that reveals nuance, timbre, sound stage,dynamics, reolution and power. Would like to up-grade to ModWright L36.5 and ATC 150SCM active, and....Then once again everything will change.

I do not believe in $$$$labels or reviewers, my approach is get good honest equipment, design a proper room/hifi relationship and try tweaking for the rest of your life...

Components Toggle details

    • Moderately priced, big performance - still tweaking
    For a small room, I have made this hifi system work very well.
    • Densen Beat 400XS
    25Bit CD player, lifetime warranty and a very resolute sound
    • ModWright 9.0SE
    Valve pre-amp with tube rectified power supply.2x5867 + 1 5AR4. A legend of a pre-amp though I think all tube pre-amps should have power supply in seperate boxes
    • ATC 10/2s
    Active Studio Monitors that are happy in a well set-up home HiFi System
    • Solid 99.99% Silver Home made
    The cable industry is a mess. Build my own with Bybee filters and silver. Outperformed Chord's Indigos ($3k. My cost $700 AUD
    • Oyaide EE/f 2.6
    Pure copper single cyrstal solid core wires 3x2.6mm. Pure copper earth shielding. Quieet flexible despite so thick. I believe best power cord available
    • Sonus Faber The Original Gravis
    1x Active Peerless driver and 2x passives. Nice sub-woofer, agile. Will prefer a Whise sub-woofer later to ad more extension, tight'ness and no spl roll-off with Frequency.

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