
This is my first system based in europe. I started high end audio with grado sr 225 headphones and its very hard and expensive to get that direct sound with speakers.

This energy veritas - mastersound setup is the best i ve found after i´ve heard of over 100 speakers up to 10k - in a very dissapointing search - so much money for such a little performance - yeah, resolution,naturality soundstaging - and if you are lucky a litte prat - but no weight and snap. ML Vantages were nice but also couldnt deliver the sense of weight and focus i was looking for (big speakers and ss amps also couldnt do it, most presentations were proud of producing the "beeing there in a unplugged concert in the 20iest row" - again - not the weight i was looking for).

i chose the energys cause i always preferd the imaging capabilities of monitors. And very important - they have the best tweeter / hihat-cymbal presentation i´ve heard to this date.

My goal : the system should play instruments - just like a drummer does. with the energy that you get when a band (amplified) is jamming in a small cellar and you are just 10ft from the instruments away. its not loud volume - its concentrated forceful energy. mass, weight, image density, instrument separation, low distortion. highest weight/volume ratio.

now i am aware that i have to move to a bigger room so i can use bigger speakers - and pump as much as possible concentrared energy into the room - moderate volume levels. to this date i havent heard a bigger speaker that does those things right (say - leans in that direction - i know that no speaker could do 100 % live). as i prefer the sound outside the sweetspot in the reverbant field i think that ohm walsh speakers could do what i want - omnidirectional - coherent - concentrated power at moderate levels. sp tech timpiece 3.0 and gradient revolutions are also on my list to try when i come to ny next time.

for the love of music


Components Toggle details

    • Room 15x18 ft
    living room
    • Music : Funk Soul Jazz Piano
    prefer live cds flac wav mp3
    • Logitech Squeezebox Duet
    bang for buck transport
    • RME ADI-2
    budget dac like benchmarkt dac 1
    • Kimber Timbre
    Bang for buck interconnect
    • Kimber PK-14
    powercord - entry standard
    • Mastersound Reference 845 SET
    integrated tube amp 40 W (4x845)
    • Goertz Mi-2
    nice "tube cable"
    • Energy Veritas 2.2
    best tweeter image density i`ve heard so far (up to 20k)

Comments 6

It sounds like you know precisely what you're looking for. It also sounds like, to me anyways, that what you're trying to describe is a speaker that is very acoustically efficient. Have you thought about going with horns like Avantegard Uno's or maybe some Duevel horn-loaded omni's?


Curious since I saw your DAC:

How does the RME ADI-2 compare to some other DACs that you heard, e.g. the Weiss Minerva (which you recommended in another thread).

With best wishes,



i know that no speaker could do 100 % live

I like Energy too - great speakers - great "you are there" midrange - so fwiw you may want to try and hear an ATC three way - who knows it might be up your street (live realistic sound) - it does it for me (most realistic drums I have ever heard in a speaker) and I am a long time admirer of Energy Veritas as well as the older Pro 22.

Nice setup BTW.


You may want to improve your speakers next, and then maybe your source. Your Mastersound amp is a great piece and you are not hearing its best with the rest of the equipment.


added nuforce v2se and mcintosh c220


System edited: Welcome to my system - my ears - my taste - my room. constructive comments pos/neg. highly welcome. stp


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