
Please tell me if you think I am making any mistakes.

Components Toggle details

    • Joule Electra LA-300ME
    BALANCED SIGNAL PROCESSING - This line stage uses a phase splitter to process the unbalanced audio inputs as two balanced signals thereafter dramatically reducing preamp induced distortions and then sum them together before the output.
    • Ayon Orthos monoblocks
    The Orthos monoblocks provide true balanced or single-ended operation combined with the ability to deliver more than 230 watts per channel. Its powerful and fast bass, expressive and natural midrange, extended high frequencies and dynamic output power result in outstanding life-like performance free of compression effects or dynamic limitations.
    Woofer: Planar Magnetic eff. area 564.2 sq in
    Midrange/Tweeter: Direct Coupled Ribbon eff. area 46.5 sq in
    Inpedance: 5 OHMS
    Frequency Response: 22 - 20000 Hz
    Crossover Frequency: 650 Hz
    Recommended Amplifier: 50 - 400W
    Dimensions: 66in(H) x 24in(W) x 2.4in(D)
    Weight: 99 lb

    • Ayon Ayon CD-2
    The CD-2 is in many respects another ground-breaking CD-Player design with supreme sound and built quality from Ayon Audio .This CD-Player is a miraculous blend of resolution, powerful dynamic contrast, and smooth natural, homogeneously textures. The soul of the music experienced first-hand.
    • Ayon Skylla
    Ayon Audio is pleased to introduce the superb Skylla DAC featuring a fully balanced digital and analog design. In its digital section, four Burr-Brown PCM -1704K DACs are arrayed in a true differential dual mono configuration.

Comments 5

I would think that it would be worth considering trading your cd-2 & Skylla dac for a CD-5, since the CD-5 employs a Skylla dac as it's foundation & is a superior transport. You're shortening the signal path that way as well.


Mistakes? LOL. Yeah, your one huge mistake was when you DID NOT send the Ayon Orthos to me!

GREAT system, Lossless. You must really be loving it by now.

You try out the built in pre in the CD-2? How's it compare to the Joule?


Analysis Audio has the best speakers I have ever heard!They were set-up with
Electrocompiat electronics,,jawdropping good! One day I will hopefully have a
pair!My dreamspeaker!Def. a highly underrated speaker IMO


Lossless1 Awesome system!

I did get a chance to hear the big Analysis speakers, sounded pretty impressive to me.

Not to say what you should do but I have listened to the Joule Electra along side the Viva Audio Devices Linea Preamplifer and the Viva is on another level that few or any preamps can match at any price. The Viva also has an amazing amount of gain perfect for your speakers, totally hand made in Italy the separate power supply uses 2 300B's and massive hand wound oil and paper transformers! The only thing is the Viva is really expensive now do to the Euro?. The early version of the VAC Renaissance is also pretty sweet. I've never heard that Ayon amp but it sure looks gorgeous.

I've been lucky enough to hear all three preamps on the same speakers at a local hi-end store, at any rate they are way more then I can afford! I did get a chance to replace all my tubes with cryoed NOS versions. A great and fairly affordable way to tweak the sound. With those speakers your room must be huge! If you love the way your system sounds their is not much more to say.

Here's to the music,



What a setup!!! Great components selection especially Ayon and Analysis Audio. Joule Electra is also fantastic choice.

What cables are you considering? Since using tubes ensure you have clean AC and good cable structure.

I really don't see where you made any mistakes.



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