
Just got the CJ today! I find that for my tastes (organ and choral music) the CJ gives me the warmth yet the Krell has the sustaining power to give organ music enough punch and 'cahones'. I am hoping to finish the system with a Magnum Dynalab Tuner, a better tape deck and a power conditioner.

Components Toggle details

    • Rotel RCD-971
    hdcd, bal outputs, 17 lbs
    • Conrad Johnson PV-14L
    tube, line only
    • Krell KAV-250a
    250w x 2, 57 lbs
    • B & W Loudspeakers Matrix 803 s2
    • Straight Wire Rhapsody II
    • Straight Wire Rhapsody II
    • Technics RSTR-575
    dual, auto reverse

Comments 1

Excellent choice of speakers,as I have the same exact pair.C.J. is an excellent choice for preamp with S.S. amp.Planty of Magnum Dynalabs on Audiogon,as I have on too with a GOLD faceplate.For now I would suggest getting the ADCOM ACE-515 power conditioner for now and when you come across more loot then get a better power conditioner.


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