
This started out as a project to create a low watt, low volume, hi-fi system. I was living in an apartment upstairs from a single-mom/school teacher.

It's now in a dual purpose room used for listening by the fire and gathering at our bar.

The room was completely rebuilt from the concrete floors and walls. The walls were built to minimize 90º angles, but the floor needed to be tiled due to the possibility of water runoff. The room is moderate at 14'x28' and well treated; lots of books, throw rugs, comfy furniture and even a stack of wood.

The primary transport method is a digital server with nearly all music in ALAC, seconded by the CD, and occasionally by the turntable.

The 25w/channel Jolida and Omega speakers really give a profound sound stage for the low cost.

At the present, most of the upgrade dollars are going toward music and in what I feel is a good long term and growth minded investment: cables.

Components Toggle details

    • SlimDevices Transporter
    Very nice DS.
    • Rotel RCD-971
    Modified '02
    • Channel Islands Audio VAC•1
    Outboard power supply
    • Jolida JD-102b
    Low watt 20/ch
    • Omega 6 Grande
    Full range, crossover-less, single Fostex driver.
    • Zu Cable Wylde & The Mission
    CD to Amp and TP to amp
    • Zu Cable Firemine
    Digital Interconnect SB3 to DAC
    • Morrow Audio MA5
    DAC to Amp -- UPDATE:: This cable will not break in or it's just plain lousy. I'm really trying to like it because of it's simplicity, but I can't.... yet.
    • Zu Cable Birth PC
    Power Cable for the Amp
    • Straight Wire Waveguide 3
    8' x2
    • Jøtul 602
    Hea - it's the fire place and I find it an integral part of a system in Maine. Wood burning, low waste, adds bit of crackle to the music but it's more than acceptable.
    • Rotel RA-1210
    70's integrated, use for a pre to the phono.
    • Rotel RT-1210
    Mint 80s gear.
    • Microseiki Upgraded
    Linn arm, Rega Super Elys, Straight Wire, 2" marble base.

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