
Here is my new system, a dream come true.

Its a complete accuphase system. For a long time I had wanted to own and build a system with accuphase componenets and finally its done. I wanted a better preamp but at this time all I could afford is the C-2110. Maybe some day, a C-3800 upgrade.

Over the last many months I have emailed several accuphase owners on audiogon for advice re performance, voltage change and other issues. I sincerely thank all the people who took time to reply to my emails and discussions.

I find the Tannoy kensingtons to be a very good match for the accuphase system.

Components Toggle details

    • Accuphase DP-78
    CD/SACD player
    • SME Model 20
    Model 20/2 with SME V arm and accuphase AC-5 MC cartridge
    • SME Series V
    SME V tonearm
    • Accuphase AC-5
    MC 0.24mv cartridge
    • Accuphase C-2110
    • Accuphase A-46
    45wpc pure Class A amp
    • Tannoy Kensington SE
    Dual Concentric
    • Accuphase OFC
    all interconnects (Balanced and RCA) are accuphase OFC series
    • Accuphase T-100
    Brand new (new old stock) T-100 AM-FM Tuner
    • JVC TD-V1010 Stereo Cassette Tape Deck
    3 Head Super Digifine series, brand new from new old stock.
    • Salamander Twin 40
    Maple and Aluminum about 10 years old

Comments 25

Huge fan of Accuphase gear. Have a few items myself. A-70, C-3850 & DC-37. Visited HQ in Yokohama many times. Good choice.


I love everything about your system. Superb in every way.


Great Tannoys and great components
Good job Dhali777


Try adding some room treatments for taming the reflections that muddle the sound. Start with the first reflection points on the side walls and bass traps in the corners. You will be surprised at the improvement. It will let you hear the true nature of your Accuphase components and speakers.


Dhalli777, finally i got my C-27 Phono preamp - very happy with it. So far, i use a step-down transformer and i'd like to convert it to 120v - do you have the diagram for the transformer taps ?


This is one of the best one-brand systems I've seen here. Everything is top notch. Plus your turntable is one of my favorite turntables for those who just want a top notch table w/o endless tweaking.


Would love to hear your system. Accuphase is one of a very brands that seem to be top notch in every area. Congrats on a A 1 system. Dreams do come true.


Dhalli777: Do you have any tip regarding adjusting the balance of the SME plinths? I found balancing my 20/2 SME turntable is a tedious process since it has four legs to adjust and then four posts to adjust the sub-plinth. When I balance it on one plane, the other one kinda screw up again!



What a wonderful setup Kastor00. The c-27 is very good, I have 3 turntables and several different cartridges and works like a charm with every one of them. Its dead quiet. I can set it up for low output MC and turn the amp volume all the way and there is just a slight hiss from speakers that one can only hear by putting the ear to the speakers.

What speakers do you use wtih your system.


Dhali777, very nice system you have - i also have an entire Accuphase setup - C2810 with AD2810,P7100,DP800/DC801,DG38.
How do you like the C-27 ? I've been looking for one and also for PS1210 power conditioner. Also i use all Accuphase balanced cables.


I wish I could hear what that system sounds like, it seems that it would be phenomenal. Great work.


Thank you

Yes I do think the tannoys need a bigger room than my current 18x11x8 foot basement room.

We are in the process of building a new home and will move sometime late 2012 or early 2013. Thats when the full potential of the system should become apparent.

I had a brand new E-202 and it was wonderful, that is what started me into Accuphase.


Hi Dhali777

I couldn't agree with you more about the Accuphase C-200 and the E-202 being timeless classics. I'm in the process of cleaning both units up now. After the cleaning if there are sound issues I'll then bring them in for repair or upgrade. to me they look cool and still sound good.

Well I hope you can get the best out of your beautiful system. Do the Tannoys need to be in a bigger room?


I have actually ordered a Linn Akurate DS and it should be arriving in a week or 2. I auditioned the Akurate at a local dealer here and was quite impressed with the sonic performance and the user interface on teh iPad.

Well I am thinking about having a digital streaming front end. With time I want to Convert all my cds to lossless digital albums and then these days a lot of stuff you buy and download already is in the digital format.

I dont know if its better, can only tell after a direct comparison (playing a cd with CDP and playing the same CD ripped thru the Linn) once I have the Linn but the even if the quality is the same as CD the system will be more flexible. Access all my CD albums from my iPad, Ability to select various songs from different cds and make playlists.

I would still keep the Accuphase DP 78 as my last CD player.


Dhali777- May I ask you a question? If you have an Accuphase sacd player why are you looking to buy a Linn Majik? Is it that much better?


The C-200 and the E-202 are timeless classics. They will sound great even after 30+ years.

I dont think i am getting the best out of my system yet. I will move to a new home next year and this system will have a better room. right now its in a small basement room.

I want to add a digital front end and looking at Linn Majik or Linn Akurate Digital stream players.

Thanks for your comments.



Wow what a beautiful system you have. It must sound amazing.

My uncle is giving me his Accuphase C-200 and E-202 combo soon and I can't wait to give it a listen after the appropriate cleaning and warm-up. Accuphase stuff is beautiful but man unless I hit the Mega-Millions Jackpot I won't be able to afford the newer Accuphase stuff. I'll head over here to drool over the newer Accuphase gear. Whew amazing.


I have plans to change my interconnects in the near future as soon as I have the budget for it. Than k you for your suggestions. I will look into ortofon or furutech.

any other suggestions form other inmates would be appreciated as well.


Hi Dhali;
Great system you have here, I wish one day I can get an Accuphase. I have the Esoteric K-03 (I'm Esoteric's distributor in Egypt) SACD player and a Plinius SA-50 with their CD LAD pre, a good amp with good matching to my Tannoy TD12.
I have a close friend and partner who has the C-275v and the A-60 for a GRF/ TW Tannoys, excellent matchability.
I want you to change the interconnects to higher level, we use Furutech and Ortofon to magnificent change (ALL JAPANESE), try it and you will thank me (If you can afford the Acrolink this would be the best).
Yasser Sharaf


I do all the accuphase voltage cconversions on my own. Its quite simple, just a matter of switching a few pins around. Accuphase have standard coloured wires for 100. 120 and 220 volts. I have a 120 to 100v transformer but I never use it.


Very nice system!
i am also trying to build accuphase - easier for me since i live in japan so no need voltage conversion and quite offten can get good deals. most of used equipment here is like new.... even accuphase 20 year old.
question - were able to convert your accuphase to US voltage by yourself?, had to change trans?


I think the A 45 is technically very similar to the A 46. Output is the same at all impedances and intenal photos in the brochures look exactly the same. The A 46 might have a slightly larger transformer as it os aout 2.5 lbs heavier. Also the A 46 has dual speaker terminals and some other cosmetic inprovements.

Sonically yhey should be very similar. I have not heard the A45 but I have compared the E550 to the E560 (both 30wpc class A integrateds) They did not sound different so based on that i would put their sound at par.

My 2nd A-46 arrived from japan and after doing the voltage modifications from 100- 120 volts (15 minute job) it is in the system now. I will update photos soon.

I tied the bridged and the dual mono mode. The system definitely sounds better in the dual mono mode. Where I connect the high snd mid/low freq speaker terminals to different channels of the amp.

as opposed to the bridged mode where I am just connecting one cable to the speakers from the summed up bridged output of the amp.

I also notice that the amps run a bit cooler in bridged mode so i think they are no longer class A and revert to class AB when in bridged mode.


Hi Dhali777,

Nice system! I'm a big Accuphase fan too.

Did you have the change to compare the A-46 power amp with its predecessor, i.e. A-45?

Best wishes,


Hello, beautiful system you've put together. I would think Accuphase is a great match for Tannoys. It's always good to see another Tannoy guy. Enjoy!



System edited: Just finished uploading the pictures.


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