
This is how my system is now. The TV is obviously just giving me something to watch until I buy a plasma and a video processor. What suggestions do you have for the rest of the system?

Components Toggle details

    • Classe Audio CDP-1
    CD Player (connected as transport)
    • Sony DVP-S9000ES
    DVD/SACD Player
    • Magnum Dynalab MD-102
    • Lexicon MC-12B
    • (2) Krell KAV-250a
    250w x 2, 50 lbs. ea.
    • Krell KAV-250a/3
    250w x 3, 60 lbs
    • (3) Pairs of Aerial Acoustics Model 7b
    2x-7in woofs, 5in mid, 1in twtr, 190 lbs,
    • Aerial Acoustics CC3B
    Center Channel
    • (2) Velodyne HGS-15
    • Canare Star Quad
    XLR Nuetrik Connections for most & some single ended
    • Cobalt Cable Ultimate Speaker Cable
    11 ga. speaker cable, spade connectors
    • Made My Own Stands N/A
    All welded .083 wall steel tubing, round & rentagular, black wrinkle powder coated, 3/4 MDF shelves, flat black, will add pictures later
    • Sharp 32
    This TV is just filling the space until I buy a 61
    • Mitsubishi HS-U65

Comments 7

I second Vader007's PC suggestions. I have the 12b and the VD NITE PCs really did the trick. Smoother less "digitized" sound. Try it straight into the wall. You might not need the PS Audio stuff.


Wow...surprised to hear that. I appreciate the honesty. Usually people only brag about their gear, especially when its as expensive as that.

I just sold my DC1 for a Sonic Frontiers Line 1...big improvement for 2-channel.


I own the 12b, the preamp section is not that great.
It is the king of surround sound though!



The Lex 12 series I bet does 2 channel just fine, as it has analoge pass pre will be a different animal all together and maybe you will like it better, but that $10K pre/pro is certainly NOT your weak spot. Work on power/ICs.


I know what I would do......get yourself a tube preamp and parity gain your HT through it. Now when you desire good two-channell you'll have it. Not that Lexicon 2 channel sound. Don't get me wrong, your Lex is fine for HT, but one good tube two-channel pre would shake your world....try it and see. You are close to having the best of both worlds! Don't forget the suggestions of the others in the thread as well.



Sugarbrie has you on the right track, those were my thoughts
exactly. Have you any power conditioning?
A PS Audio 600 would make a fine addition to your system.
Dont forget a couple quality power cords as well.
Good luck.......Vader


Upgrade the Canare Star Quad interconnects. They are fine, but your system is good enough to notice the difference of something even better.


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