
This is getting better. I connected the amp to a dedicated line, played with speaker position and set the pre gain to +1 db....sound stage and bass is great, even for very demanding salsa. Am putting together some Cat 5 speaker cables with an interwoven design. An AC line filter, isolation transformer, vibration dampers for sources and some Optrix to clean my CDs....At that point I may look no further......This is very satisfying for reasonable $$$ Good Audiophilia.......Salsero

Components Toggle details

    • Marantz DR-6050
    cd-rw recorder
    • McCormack MICRO line
    line stage, 10 lbs
    • Odyssey Stratos
    150W/8 ohm/45 Amp/Damping>800 - sweet so
    • B & W Loudspeakers CDM-7se
    3 way pair
    • Cambridge Audio T-500
    digital with presets
    • Tara Labs prism 55
    from pre to amp
    • Tributaries SP4
    • audioquest Topaz
    from sources to pre

Comments 13

If you haven't done so already, spend $10 a pop and replace your wall outlets. You'll be surprised. KP


Go for the AUDIOQUESTs,I saw a pair of EMERALDs for 100.00 for 1 meter,and I ve seen DIAMOND for like 250.00,I see that youre getting the stratos am.I would of suggested PASS LABS or even KRELL for bass slam.Even Conrad Johnson would do the trick,I have AUDIO rESEARCH and I pretty much have the same taste in music.Try the RMM tribute to the BEATLES,comes with a nice mambo beat.Suerte.


I tweaked the speaker position and the system really shined. It was quite an upgrade. Bass extension and resolution came through. I am still waiting for my Stratos amplifier, it will be quite a musical joy.


I failed to mention that the emeralds have been discontinued but can be found here for $0.50 on the dollar or less.


You might try purchasing a used pair of audioquest emerald interconnects. They are relativly neutral and have excellent slam in the lower frequencies.


I agree w/Couldbe. I have an Aragon 4004MKII. Power is not an issue with this amp. I'm driving Montana SPIIs with it, they image great & have excellent detail. Is that McCormack Micro Line pre-amp active or passive? I'd consider upgrading to a Rowland Consonance (had one) or a Pass Aleph P (latest generation) or Adcom GFP750 - I own both of these now.. My Aragon is stock, there's one on auction on Audiogon today. If you change your mind, you'll be able to sell it quickly for around $750.00. Daniel


In the past three years I have had over 15 amps on my system and have not found the results that I have been trying to achieve. I came across an Aragon 4004MKII and that has solved MY problem. Detail, soundstage, imaging, and TREMENDOUS bass! I am searching for an Aragon 8008BB because it has balanced inputs. In the past I have used a Krell FPB-300c,KRELL KAV 500,Linn AV 5105, Cary CAD 500T, Classe CA200,Adcom 555II,BAT VK-200, Threshold T200 (2n favorite). The above amps, for the most part, are decent, the Krell are seriously over-rated performance wise and the sound, in my opinion, does not justify the price! The Threshold T200 is an excellent amp and I would have bought this unit have I not heard the Aragon. Even though I have been quite happy with the Aragon, I do plan on trying the Mark Levinson 23 in April. I have a audio dealer that is very accomodating and patient in letting me audition the equipment, which makes it easier for me, because sometime you get stuck with equipment and you try to convince yourself that you like it. Aragon is not a name that I would have sought, but after auditioning the unit, it has sounded far better than the above mentioned. That is my opinion only, because the amp does exactly what I want it to do, and it does it very well! The Aragon will bring slam to your bass and the power of the amp is very under-rated. It is all about current! I am using a Jeff Rowland Consonance and an Audio Research L-15 (paid $600 at a pawn shop), Martin Logan SL3s and KEF Q60 speakers, Cal Delta and Meridian 586 DVD with a Meridian 563 DAC, and a pair of Analysis Oval Nine speaker cables. That is another area you might pursue in helping you achieve some bass. The Oval Nines made quite a over-all difference in my system, especially the bass and soundstage. They provide an absolute stunning soundstage. I have changed cables as often as I have changed amplifiers trying to obtain the best sound possible and I have stopped at the Oval Nines, they have beat everything that I have heard so far, from Audioquest Everest to the Transparent Reference. Again, this is just MY opinion, "I have been there, don that" and stilling doing it!


Definitely, the Odyssey Stratos. I'm sure the DNA-125 is good. But go to and read all the reviews from the mags. Then go to to read what other buyers have said. All 80 or so consumers rate the amp a 5 out of 5 without one deviation. I've recommended this amp to 2 different people who bought the monoblock pairs. They've thoroughly enjoyed them. The Stratos is very, very highly rated regardless of price and if you consider the price, it is an absolute best buy.


My post above it misleading. I meant to say you should demo the CDM-7NT. I do not believe them to be closed and shut-in like the CDM-7SE version. I did demo the SE version in my home. It was not a quick listen at a dealer. I will reiterate you should Bi-Wire them, no matter what cable you choose. In my opinion the Topaz interconnect is dull also. There are better even at that low price point.


Try "redheat" by Jimmy Haslip. Unitone (Rounder) 13702-4802-2, copyright 2000. Slammin' and just watch those woofers flex, IF they can handle it.


Sugar: One thing you might want to consider about bass is the exact "type" of bass you want to hear. Do you want complete neutrality or more of a warm sense of fullness? I recently a/b'd some B&W CDM NT-7s and some Paradigm Reference Studio 60s and found that the former exhibited very neutral bass but did not convey the warmth and fullness of the bottom end of the Paradigms. The B&Ws also seemed "faster," keeping up with the the more complex passages of music. Different cables can make a huge difference. You might consider the Audioquest Type 4; I've found it to be a "warm" cable. On the other hand, the Kimber 4-TCs, which I'm running now, tend towards neutrality. Anyway, hope this helps. Sounds like you're on your way.


As far as starving for bass, I would look at your speaker cables even further.


Hmmm, I am a big fan of B&W speakers, but I found the CDM-7SE to sound closed/shut-in. You may want to demo some other speakers before changing amplifiers. Even the CDM-7NT. My favorite in that range are the discontinued B&W P5 or P6. Better cables may help too (not familiar with yours). If you don't believe in spending a lot on cables pick-up the IXOS 6003, and buy enough to double run them (To Bi-wire).


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