
Getting there.... one step at a time!

Room Details

Dimensions: 20’ × 15’  Medium
Ceiling: N/A

Components Toggle details

    • Cambridge Audio Azur 840c
    24bit/PMA100/HDCD CD player
    • Plinius 8200 MKII
    175w, int, with phono, with remote
    • Cabasse Farella 400
    flooar standing. 2-way
    • van den Hul D102 mkIII Hybrid
    • WireMold L10320
    power strip, not power cord (Category list doesn't have this as an option); without on/off switch. This is the model recommended by NAIM.
    • Acoustic Zen Tsunami
    Power cord (using for Plinius)
    • DIY Subaruguru's special
    Ernie's design. Used for cdp.
    • DIY Gregg Straley's design
    Fantastic revealing cables.

Comments 24

Edited to replace Arcam cd player with Cambridge Audio.  I made that switch 5 or 6 years ago, but never got around to updating this page.  The reason for making the switch is that an Arcam dealer in Hawaii lost my player after I took it in for repairs!  So, they gave me the Cambridge as a replacement.


System edited: Had to ditch my analog toys when I move to Hawaii. Total bummer, but I did not trust the moving company, even with my supervision, to get things here in one piece. I might add analog back in if I can find a reputable dealer or individual. But, trading up from Chicago to Hawaii is not a bad deal!


Makes perfect sense! That's wonderful.


You asked: Just wondering if your "Speaking Silence" is a clever reference to a Bob Dylan song (Love Minus Zero, No Limit).

No, but I love that album!

Speaking silence (chash-mal) is the esoteric hidden meaning of the word Chashmal in hebrew. The word generally means 'electricity' but is used to describe the highest level of a spiritual breakthrough in the Book of Ezekiel when the prophet sees the burning chariot that bears visionary communication. It implies that a very psychedelic thing is about to music. Great music speaks beyond the notes to the space between the notes (silence).

Hope that makes sense


Thanks! I love it. My only complaint, if I can call it that, is the way the Cabasse reproduce the highest octaves on piano. I've swapped out various components, and cables, so it is the speakers. They're just a tad too shaded, but that's a minor thing. I'm going to post something over on your system in a second...


The Linn- Cabasse-Blue Circle seems like it would be a great combination. Warm, open, engaging, not uptight or 'detail obsessed'; my kind of thing. Great rig!



Mitch2... well, that's quite a set of great questions you have! I'll do my best. Yes, there is more clarity with Gregg's cables and have more depth than with the AZ.

My system tends to be a very tad shaded, which is why I initially went to silver. I thought it would brighten things up a bit; however, I find Gregg's to be superior. I have a pianist friend who knows very little about audio. I switched cables back and forth over the course of a few days and she instantly said that the piano reproduction was more realistic with Gregg's. I realize that so much goes into reproduction that it's nigh on impossible to attribute "realism" to a single component. Oh, yes, the midrange... the fine midrange is, in my view, an attribute of the Cabasse as much as anything else. Sure, the right cables help, but the Farellas are nice!

Gregg is a local (Chicago area) guy who makes DIY cables. I don't have his email address handy, but I think it is [email protected]. I'll repost later if I find that I'm mistaken. No website... he does this on his own and is not in it for the big bucks!


Nice system. I'll bet it is very musical. Especially through the LP-12 (unfortunately I gave up on vinyl). Regarding your Gregg Straley cables, you must like them with your SS amplification. Your comments indicate more clarity and snap. Would you say they are more dynamic and detailed than your AZ MR were? Do you consider the GS cables bright, and have you compared them with any silver cables? How do they sound in the midrange?

I have read over the past couple of years where people have posted positive findings about the Gregg Straley products , but I can never seem to locate specific information about him or his products. There is a set of his cables for sale on A'gon right now (Item: 1107299742) and a picture of the IC's and speaker cables, but I have never seen a link to his website (is there one?) or more detailed technical information about his cables. Do you have a link?


Yikes...never responded to you, Katzs02! Sorry! The AZ were a little too dark and muted for my taste. Gregg Straley's DIY cables breathed new life and clarity into the system.


Hi CpDunn,

(1) Curious about your opinion of the AZ Matrix you just dumped. Had been thinking about them, but went with Shunyata Aries and Audience AU24 instead. What didn't you like about the AZ, or what did the Straley do specifically you liked? Do you know any of the technical details about the Straley? I also bought some BMC Gold Pinnacles via A-gon auction I rather like for openness, especially given the price. Have actually been thinking of buying more of these and *down*grading my Shunyata Aries to save money.

(2) I went with some of ErnieM's products too--he's a great guy, and I learned a lot from seeing the raw materials he uses--the outlets and wires mostly.



How big is your listening room??


System edited: Took out some things (AZ Matrix Ref. II interconnects) and added some of Gregg Straley's ICs and speaker cables. Noticeable improvement in clarity! More snap.


I like the Arcam a lot. It's hard to pinpoint precisely what I like about it, but compared to the NAD players I've had in the past, the Arcam is more open. It has a bigger soundstage, more clear bass, and fine mids. Also, this Arcam has HDCD playback capabilities. That said, the NAD 541i is also a very good CDP, but the Cambridge Audio I listened to in a friend's system was damn nice! However, I have not listed to the CA player in my system, so I really can't say anything definitive. I'm sure you would be very happy with Arcam.


You have a great system CpDunn99. How do you like the Arcam CD player? Reason I asked is because I am looking for a Cd player. I am planning to get a Adcom, NAD, Arcam, or Cambridge Audio. Thanks


I built DIY Watt/puppy clones. They are nice, and need a lot of power. My Pass Aleph 3 is working hard to achieve medium loudness. I like my symphonies at near concert levels.


Yes, Eldragon, they are nice! OK, I'll check out the Skiffs for sale! What are you using at the moment?


I cannot tell you anything about cabling but i am familiar with your speakers and they are incredible! I think you should check on Skiff, that is selling on the Audiogon right now, and you could give me a good (incredible) deal on your Farella's? ;>)


System edited: Got rid of the old (1987) Cabasse and replaced them with the Cabasse Farellas. Nice addition! Any suggestions on cabling?


System edited: Just got a pair of AZ Matrix Reference II ICs. Now, need to figure out where they would work best! Who will be left standing when it's all said and done?!


System edited: Just replaced the Goldring Excel VX (medium-output) with a Linn Arkiv (low-output) MC cartridge. This is a huge improvement! Much improved sound stage, greater detail, more authoritative bass. This cartridge is much more alive than the Goldring.


System edited: Replaced the NAD 521i cd player with the Arcam Alpha 9. What an improvement!


System edited: Just added Acoustic Zen Tsunami power cord.


System edited: Sold the EAR 834P phono stage and have added Synergistic Research silver speaker cables. The speaker cable is temporary until my AudioQuest Argents arrive. Any suggestions on power cords?


System edited:


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