
I am fortunate to be affiliated with a major symphony orchestra and hear a tremendous amount of live music from classical to jazz to rock in the hall.This system while not going very deep has a rightness of tonality and vibrancy of dynamic shades to keep me riveted on the performance and the artist,not the equipment which truth to tell is a necessary evil in order to experience near live in the home.I maintain that going to live performances is the only way to know how a good system should behave and its the only way to recognize synergy accurately.

Components Toggle details

    • Audio Aero Capitole cd
    smooth organic as digital can get non fatigueing detailed and resolved
    • VTL Tiny triode
    25w monoblocks great dynamic snap fluid mids and sweet top end
    • Reference 3A decapo i
    two way nearly cross overless design natural musical and lively
    • osiris 24.5 inch
    double tubed sand filled with adjustable spikes
    • harmonic technology pro silway mk 2
    nice balance between silver and copper attributes
    • QED silver anniversary
    silver plated super bargain wire

Comments 6

I am also musically connected (went to Oberlin conservatory as a pianist, and since settled/married into the Toronto music scene) and also own the De Capo. It was the only speaker, in my lengthy auditions in both Toronto and NYC, that sounded like music.

That said, I LOVE your system. I have been thinking about VTL myself--amplification is my current weak point. I've just purchased the GamuT CD-1, which (based on my impressions at the latest Montreal show) is similar to the Audio Aero players (I formerly owned a Prima) in its emphasis on music over mouse-fart detail.

I quite agree that exposure to live music is the only way to understand what a system is doing correctly and what it isn't. Better yet--get a recording of a concert you attended. There's nothing quite so humbling.



The kind of system that embarrasses much more expensive. Solid!! I run the VTLs, have listened extensively to the DeCapos and hear great things about the Audio Aero. Bravo!!


First, very nice system. I'm sure your smart matching has given you fantastic system synergy. I totally agree with you on the experience of going to live events. I learned a big lesson this summer. I live in Jackson Hole, Wyoming and we have the pleasure of the Teton Music Festival all summer at Teton Village. This brings us five live events per week, ranging from solo artists to chamber groups to full orchestras, comprised of some of the best musicians around. A true pleasure, especially when I can walk up to the ticket office fifteen minutes before a chamber ensemble and usually score front row center seats for $15! Anyhow, going to two or three of these events every week gave me a much better perspective on what the "real" event sounds like and how my system is doing in comparison.

Happy listening!


By the way....I use the same cdp and amps with quad 57's and bear labs cables in a vacation home system with great results.


Great CD Player (check)
Great speakers (check)
Excellent ic's (check)
(probably a great amp - havent heard it)

You're sense of music rather than marketing hype is really showing. I'll bet this system has more heart and soul than many of the 100K systems out there. If you want to try an experiement, try some nordost red dawn speaker cables and i/c's with it. Those were a perfect match for my friends Reference 3a's and my own cary 300SEI. The speed and high detail level of the nordost cabling brought out even more of the reference 3a's startling tranparency.

Great system. Everything should cross-complement superbly.

I heard them on my own cary 300-SEI and was blown away.


I am familiar with all you components but not as a system. Knowing what i know about the individual pieces, I imagine this to be a super combination as you suggest....well done!


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