
All items purchased either new or demo.

Carefully researched with input from fellow 'Goners.

Thanx to you all.


Components Toggle details

    • Music Hall CD-25 Modified
    Music Hall CD-25 Modified CD Player
    • Music Hall MMF-5
    Bone stock
    • Goldring G-1012 GX
    pre mounted on TT
    • NAD PP-2
    MM & MC
    • NAD 320BEE
    Awesome bang for the buck
    • PSB Image 5t
    Mates well with the NAD amp.
    • Signal Cable Analog Two
    1 connecting CDP to amp and another connecting phono preamp to amp
    • Sound King 12 AWG
    Cheap and effective

Comments 6

Before you guys get all excited about Sound King cabling, which is basically just "low cost" heavy gauge zip cord, you should be aware that it typically turns green from internal corrosion with age and becomes resistive. It is also relatively high in inductance and will cause a softening of treble response. This becomes more apparent as you use longer lengths since its' electrical characteristics are compounded. If you have a bright or sibilant sounding system, this might be just the cure.

If looking for a cable that offers more bang for the buck, you might want to check out part number 100-768 from Parts Express. It is actually slightly cheaper than the equivalent length of 12 gauge Sound King, is more linear over a wider frequency range and works out to be 11 gauge, which is a heavier gauge and offers lower series resistance.

As a side note, the picture shown on the website is NOT of the actual cable that you'll get. It is similar to that, but uses a tan / creme coloured jacket. Sean

PS... Apature is another manufacturer of low cost "zip cord" and can be found inside of some expensive speakers. This cabling also turns green over time and should be avoided.



I am going to try out the signalcable AC cord on the cdp, for the money it seems to be a no brainer, if it is 1/2 as good as the interconnects then I will upgrade all the power cords in the system.


I heard about parts express from a buddy in CA, I went out there for his wedding and was very impressed by his simple but pleasing system, he was using ..... you guessed it Soundking speaker wire from partsexpress.


How did you hear about parts express? I`m thinking of replacing my old ratshack cheap surround wire with the sound king stuff. What do you think? DLR


JR, just to clarify my earlier recommendation, I was speaking about SignalCable's "MagicPower Digital AC Cord HC," which is available for $59.00 for a 3’ length, plus $6 for each additional foot. I found their $29 digital coax to be a great value too; but with a one-box player, you won't be needing one of those.

Sean, thanks for the link to Parts Express!


Plato: Sound King cabling can be found at Parts Express. Sean


The SignalCables are great. I bet you'd get a nice improvement in performance by using their 12 gauge digital cable (the brownish one) on your CD Player. I use that cord in two different systems along with the Analog Twos and the improvement it makes is amazing.

Where is a good place to buy the Sound King speaker wire? I may want to try some, although the SignalCable speaker wire is excellent too.

What you've assembled looks like a very good bang-for-the-buck system. :)


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