
This is the Home Room system. I have spent too much on cables and tubes but the combinations I have come up with are worth the effort. Simple, vintage but oh the music that it puts out. Photos of the system in place soon.

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    • Sony SCD-C555es
    Yes, yes I needed 5 disc capabilities. This carries 5 discs and ports the signal out to be further processed -- no internal DAC for me. This unit is fully modded BTW to maximize the output.
    • Audio Alchemy DTI PRO32
    This is where the signal goes first from the Sony. I have a hybrid cable that takes the signal from here to the DAC. Nifty piece of equipment to be sure.
    • Muse Model 2 plus
    All you could ask for in a DAC plus HDCD capabilities (yes I have some of these). Just the right piece of equipment.
    • Jolida JD-302b
    Fully modded and with Tubes of a particular match up. Specifically: Svetlana EL34s; 12AX7s: Mullards -- they are wonderful -- 12AT7s: Siemens Triple mica (just installed). Other tubes available to roll in but this combo is the one I like the best.
    • JM Reynaud Trentes
    Absolutely marvelous and musical in this system. These are perched the JMR Magic Stands which does take care of the bottome end to a wonderful degree. These really disappear with the rest of the equipment putting sound acrosss a broad and deep soundstage.
    • Revox A-77 mkIII
    Yes, it is vintage and don't think it was easy to find decent cables to fit the
    • Bybees Interconnect
    Everywhere. Except at the speakers. These things do make a difference (I think).

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