
I have begun down the long dark road into audiophile-quality equipment. I was perfectly happy as a regular consumer, having purchased all the Infinty speakers, MC ILR's, a Philips 27" flat-screen TV, and an original Sony 5-disc DVD player. In my circle of friends in Boone, NC, I had the best stuff. Little did I know. I have friends in the high-end business, and after hearing their Lexicon/Adcom/NAD setups, was intrigued but had no experience. Then I began working at Circuit City with two already-dedicated 'philes, and have been bitten. I have auditioned many setups at my buddy's store, and purchased the Pioneer Elite on his recommendation. I am building slowly, and hope eventually to have a complete Theta Digital system : Casa III, Dreadnaught II, Compli II. I am upgrading my processing and amplification next, then on to the lovely world of speakers. Am leaning toward Dynaudio, Martin Logan, Monitor Audio Gold Reference, or B&W NT's. Cables are an ongoing upgrade. I know many of you will laugh at this system, but I have to start somewhere, and even my girlfriend can now hear imaging and soundstaging on the Sony, so it's pretty damn good for a cheap, consumer-level system. More will come! and come...and come.......any suggestions or comments both positive and negative are welcomed wholeheartedly. [email protected]

Components Toggle details

    • Technics SL-1200 mkII
    Originally used for DJ use, I won a third table in a contest and use it now for LP playback.
    • Pioneer Elite DV-47Ai
    My very first reference - grade (at least for me) component, and I have zero complaints.
    • Sony STRDE875
    I know I know a Sony RECEIVER! I'm working on it!
    • Infinity Entra One
    Bookshelf speakers, stand-mounted for surround use. Very cheap, but damn good for the price!
    • Infinity Entra Two
    Floorstanding 2-way speakers, for L/R use. Again, very inexpensive, but I have an affinity for my very first speakers of any quality.
    • Infinity Entra Sub
    • Infinity Entra Center
    The center to match the rest of my Infinitys. I purchased the system as a whole prior to becoming involved in the 'phile industry, and it is due to this original and simple system that I am here to begin with.
    • Monster Cable Interlink Reference
    Again, part of the original system. Not that great, but it's where i started, and we all started somewhere!
    • Transparent MusicWave
    10' L/R and Center cables. Bought the Center on the 'Gon, found the pair at a friend's house coiled in a closet. My first real introduction to what a higher - quality cable can do, even with substandard front end.
    • Monster Cable XP
    30' runs for my surrounds. After upgrading to Transparent up front, they are quite lacking, but baby steps baby steps baby steps.
    • Monster Power HTPS 7000ss
    I figured if I was going to get a filter, get the best, and this was the best available to me at the time. Was able to purchase this through an employee accomodation program with Monster, and even with my basic system I noticed a dramatic change in imaging, soundstaging, and bass response. Plus it looks really cool and is always a conversation piece for the uninitiated.
    • Ortofon Concorde DJ-S
    DJ-S cartridges with Nightclub replacement needles. The very best available for DJ usage, and they do rather well with the Technics.
    • Pioneer Professional DJM-600
    A professional quality club mixer and pre-amp. I can actually run up to 8 analog inputs through it, and it has balanced outputs. Again, for a DJ, there really is nothing better, period.

Comments 1

Looks like were in sorta the same boat buddy.

The system im running is left over pieces from a pretty good system that i had to sell to pay off a bill resulting from a bad roomate choice.

Takes time, but it is worth it.

I personally think half the fun is the anticipation of upgrading. Kinda like being a little kid in front of the xmas tree looking at the wrapped presents.


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