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    System edited: Recently purchased the Grommes and Shindo from Arizona Hi-fi. The Grommes is an incredible little SET amp - absolutely silent and midrange to die for. Purchased Telefunken EL84 NOS tubes and RCA 6CG7 NOS, which brings it to a new level. The Synergistic Research RED fuse tops it off - A must for this amp. I don't have to say much about the Shindo Auregies other than it brings my system to a new level of realism and detail.



    The 935 is strictly the pre-amp - not integrated. I cannot pass judgement on each piece separate since I got all of them together. However, what I can say is that the highs, esp. drum cymbols are incredible and totally lifelike. Thanks for your comments on the music!!!


    Such a shame those Burmesters have to be behind closed doors. The 935 is on my list to try one day. Not very common though. What do you think of the Rondo on its own? Does it have good high frequency extension and definition compared to your Krell? What differences are there between these two amps? You have an excellent system and I love the walls of music! Thanks



    John Coltrane, McCoy Tyner, Keith Jarrett, Bill Evans, Charlie Haden, Dewey Redman, Dexter Gordon, Paul Bley, Ron Carter, Howard Mabern

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