
I'm the only 24 year-old I know with more vinyl in my collection than CDs. Music is my life. That's an understatement. So many upgrades to come. Probably 5As. Definitely going to upgrade all the source units and amplifiers. All this stuff will probably go into another room of the house or something like that.

.....Just upgraded (in my eyes) the CD, DVDA/SACD, Speakers, Speaker wire, and Cartridge.

Man it sounds even better now!!! I think this is the most wonderful disease to have. This system just took a great step up in transparency, detail, imaging, and overall engagement in the sound quality. The best part is, now my fiance wants her own seat in my room! It won't get any better than this for a while!

Components Toggle details

    • Denon CDRW1500
    24-bit DAC recorder..... niiiiice.
    • Project RM10
    It was time to step up decks.
    • Denon DVD3910
    Wanted a Universal Player.
    • NAD M3
    I've been very impressed by this so far.
    • Monitor Audio GS60
    Beautiful Santos Rosewood.
    • Audioquest Jaguar
    Entry level with DBS.
    • Audioquest Mont Blanc
    I know, my speaker wire costs more that my AMP does, but who cares!
    • Sumiko Blackbird
    I'm the only 24 year old in town with a wall full of vinyl.

Comments 13

Hey nice digs! Mont Blanc cables?.....good god man my dad didnt get Mont Blanc's till he was 67! When you said 5A did you mean Vandersteen? If so you have really good taste!
Infact my did and I checked out the 5A but went with the new Wood Quatro speakers wich didnt give up as much as you might think to the 5A and they are only a bit over $10,000
if he had a bigger room the 5A would hve been the choice.
Funny you also have the RM10 as my dad was a phone call away from buying one but went with a Scoutmaster, its nice to see new blood to carry on this hobby and good luck in your path............and enjoy the music!


Congrats on upgrading from Girlfriend 1.0 to Wife 2.5

It looks like you have a great system too. Here is wishing both bring you a lifetime of happiness.


System edited: Changed speakers back to Monitor Audio GS60's, and changed out amps to the new NAD M3. Also upgraded phono deck to RM10, and Sumiko Blackbird cartridge.


Upgrade the fiance thing to wife now.


System edited: Just changed out the speakers and amp, I hope you like.


It has been brought to my attention that Great Lakes Records is no longer available to the public in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Someone out there, please tell me there's hope that a budding audiophile like myself will still be able to find large supplies of used records in good condition! Have stereo system will travel!


Thanks for the link to your favorite record store, unfortunately this is what came up on their home page:


The entire inventory of Great Lakes Records has been sold to a large record store overseas and the store is now out of business. We're sorry we could not give you all some warning, but everything happened very quickly. If you need to contact someone, please call 262-717-2220 and ask for Joe. Gary and Joe would both like to thank you for shopping here. We've met lots of interesting people over the years and we'll miss running the store. Thank you very much for your patronage.

Guess it was too good to be true.


Thanks for visiting my page! I actually work for a Monitor Audio dealer so I've had quite a good opportunity to compare between the GR and new GS series. I listen to a lot of classical and jazz and the first difference I noticed was how much more natural piano sounded especially, and also the treble is much more natural. They did make significant improvements to the tweeters, woofers, and crossover design which would probably help get rid of your treble problems. However, if you would really like to get into a natural treble, look at the new Martin Logan electrostats, esp. the Vantage and Vista. My only other reccommendation would be to pull your GR20s away from the wall if possible. Sometimes proper placement is all you need to get the treble and bass sounding right. BTW, if you buy the new GS series, allow for a good 100 hours for the speakers to break in. this period of time is crucial. Good luck!


How do the new GS60s sound? I have the Gold ref 20s .. I like them very much, but I still find them a little bright, even after upgrading my amp, cd player and cables. I'm running them with an Advantage S101 integrated.. pretty powerful and extremely detailed sound.


System edited: I sold off the Vandersteens (2CE sigs), the Sony 9100ES, the Sony 333ES, Upgraded my Speaker wire to Montblanc from Gibraltar, and upgraded to a Grado Reference Sonata Cartridge. I'm starting to play with some new damping techniques (turntable wall mount, sorbogel record mat, isolation feet, etc.), so feel free to chime in with your ideas!. I'm buying a new house that will have about a 25x17 space just for me, so I'll probably end up buying another amp for bi-amp or look into some new separates. Either way, no complaints! Thanks for checking out my updated system!


I have the luxury of working for a local high-end shop so I got great deals on most of the stuff I've bought so far. The only thing I bought elsewhere were the speakers. I also live within 10 minutes of the Midwest's largest selection of records, almost 2 million on last count, I believe, so getting great music is never a problem. The place is Great Lakes Records, and I recommend anyone who lives close enough or ever visits the Milwaukee area makes a visit there.


Use the force: Buy more music and less gear. What you have is already awesome, and music will give you more pleasure for your buck.


Pretty nice system!I think its cool you have an LP collection too!Music does seem to be a lifelong love ,you know it at a young age!Looking forward to how things progress,def. consider buying used from guys with good feedback on A,gon,will save you a lot of money!Peace,Ray


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