
My system really started to change after I bought the Tyler Linbrook Monitors with the matching bass modules as an upgrade to the Norh Mini 9.0. At that time I was using a Mesa Baron tube amp with CR Developments Kastor tube pre-amp with the Sony XA777ES player and a DIY pencil tube DAC. Although powerful, the Mesa Baron was not a good match sonically or electrically with the Linbrooks. Bass was not very defined and the sound was a little slow and a bit lifeless. The Linbrooks also revealed that the Baron was a little rough sounding in the upper mids/treble. I replaced the Baron with a Jeff Rowland 8T amp which promptly showed up my CR tube-pre amp as being too mushy and veiled. After much wringing of hands, I took the plunge and got an ARC REF2 MkII pre-amp. The ARC is a truly superb pre but after using a friend's Meridian 588 cdp, the system showed me that the Sony is just not in the same league. All this happened within a year!

A word on cabling. I was quite happy with Slinkylinks ic's and speaker cables but a friend advised me to try some upper level Audioquest. I'm appalled to say this but the AQ Kilimanjaro speaker cables and AQ Amazon ICs I ended up with are worth the outlay. I would describe their contribution as neutral, transparent, dynamic, tonally well balanced and musical. Can't ask for much more except lower cost!

Sonically, I'm very happy with my system. It's dynamic, musical, big-scale and yet not fatiguing with the right source. It has most of the audiophile attributes but does not sound overtly hifi. My only problem is that I live in a modest sized apartment and the Linbrooks are not exactly small. Negatives? Imaging could be more solid and focused and the bass could be a little tighter. But this again may be addressed with a better source.

Most effective tweaks I've used recently include the Dakiom amp/rca filters. These are just amazing. They got rid of a lot of bumps and digital glare that I hardly knew existed. Makes the sound more 'analogue' is a often used term but it definitely applies here. No downsides that I can hear except that Dakiom doesn't have a filter for XLR cables. Boo hoo! The amp filter tightened up the bass significantly. The Silclear contact cleaner also warrants special mention. More detail and refinement without adding any etch or glare, and without needing to change a single component.

My objective now is to start saving my pennies for a Meridian G08, ARC CD3 MkII or something similar and I should be done! ;-)

Suggestions, comments, critique?

Components Toggle details

    • Tyler Acoustics Linbrook monitors with bass modules
    Superb transducer. Musical, transparent, big scale yet able to do the 'intimate' thing when required. Haven't explored its full potential yet. Ty Lashbrook is also a real pleasure to deal with.
    • Norh Mini 9.0
    Top line scan speak drivers in synthetic marble drum enclosures. Big sound from a small speaker.
    • Korsun V8-i integrated amp
    SS integrated 250 wpc @ 8 ohms
    • Citypulse DAC 7.2x
    Upsampling DAC with TCXO clock upgrade
    • Audioquest Kilimanjaro
    7' single wired
    • Black Sands Silver Reference Mk 4
    with silver wattgate connectors
    • VH Audio AirSine
    power cord
    • VenHaus Flavor 4
    6' with Wattgate gold 20A IEC
    • DeZorel Audio Reference Senior
    With grounding
    • Eighth Nerve Room Pack
    Discreet and elegant looking room treatment

Comments 6

Yes, the Citypulse is a fantastic performer for the money. I like what it does but I hope the Tact 2.2XP I'm thinking of getting improves on the Citypulse.


Hi ..I just the citypulse dac the other day and it really is a nice piece..really unbelievable for the money


Sorry for the late reply. The pencil tube DAC did improve on the Sony but I now use a Citypulse 7.2x DAC which sounds more musical and engaging (not to mention a lot cheaper) than my highly modified pencil tube DAC. I no longer have the Sony. Thanks for looking in.


Nice system. I had a question. You mention a DIY pencil tube DAC that I assume you used with your XA777ES. Did it better the Sony's DAC for redbook? Anywhere I can get info on the DIY DAC you mentioned?



Dakiom has just recently added an XLR stabilizer, the X103, to their product line. Might want to check it out.


I agree with you on the Dakioms. I wrote and recently posted the compulsory review on Audiogon. Nice to hear that someone else is highly satisfied.


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