
So, here's where I am at the moment. Big (27'x16'xsloping 16'-8'), treated room.

*Love* the Vandys.

McCormack is a new acquisition. Before that, PS Audio 200C. Before that, Acurus A250. Steve's (modded) work kills 'em all.

Always evolving. Thinking the next change might be a preamp. McCormack to match?

Not a pre at all, but something else?

Just wondering what the masses might have to suggest...

Components Toggle details

    • California Audio Labs CL-10
    • Acurus RL-11
    Possibly modded by Ken Ealey.
    • McCormack DNA-1
    SMc Rev. B modded
    • Vandersteen 2ce
    Signature I's
    • RS Audio Solid silver 3-conductor braid
    • Pure Silver Sound Octet biwire
    • Magnum Dynalab FT-101a

Comments 1

I noticed you're selling all your cabling, so that might be a good place to start. Maybe shortlist a few products for loan from the Cable Co.


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