
I need HELP with finding a multi channel amplifier. I have been told to look at the Krell KAV 500; Krell 250aX3&250a; EAD Powermaster 2000; Theta Dreadnaught; Aragon 8008X5 and the proceed amp3/2. Any help with comments would be appreciated....thanks for your help.

Components Toggle details

    • Pioneer Elite 710-HD
    • E A D Theatermaster Ovation
    will upgrade to Signature 8
    • M & K S-150AC Thx LCR
    Cherry w/ Matching Stands
    • M & K S-550 Thx Surround
    surround speakers
    • M & K Goliath
    • Nordost Red Dawn
    5 meter pair
    • nordost red dawn
    center speaker cable
    • Tara Labs prism w/Linn Bananas
    25 ft. pair for surrounds
    • Nordost Red Dawn
    1.5 Meter pair
    • cardas Golden Reference Digital
    1 meter digital

Comments 4

Would like to hear your opinion on M&Ks. I`m thinking of getting them for my HT, but i red some not so great opinions about them here on Audiogon. Anyway , I`d realy like to know what you have to say, since you got them.


1. Theta Dreadnaught 2. Sim Audio Attraction Processor (an upgraded EAD signature with better analog section) I am extremely pleased with this combo.


I was impressed withe CAL 2500 system (pre/precessor and 500 wpc amp). there is also a matching video switcher and I believe they can all be linked via RS-232 cabling for system/remote integration.


I love the Mondial products--both the Aragon Soundstage and 8008 x 5, or the less expensive Acurus Act 3 (w/bass management) and 100 x 5. If you have the bucks, go with the Aragon. Super flexible, super sound, great customer service. EAD products are gorgeous but I don't think as easy to use--just my opinion, and I'm a girl. You have a super HT system on the way, however you choose to proceed. Best, Sarah


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