
maybe a little overcomplicated system, but i can not withdraw any component without loss of music quality. except maybe for DAC. my Chord does pretty job, but i am convinced to try out Empirical Audio Overdrive.

system's sounds is easy flowing, 3D, no stress or fatigue. Very deep and articulated bass (i have measured, it's flat till 30Hz). PRAT is also good.

UPS: uploaded pictures. looks like hi-tec spider lives there.

Components Toggle details

    • Sonos ZP-90
    my primary stereo source upgraded with Empirical Audio Pace-Car (Ultraclock inside). that was a major uprgrade. ultimate digital source.
    • ETI Digital eXpress
    also nice digital cable. i hear no difference between ETI and Stereovox, but ETI is 3 times cheaper. currently is used between Sonos and Pace-Car
    • Stereovox XV2
    very nice digital cable with BNC connectors and BNC/RCA adapters. science, no voodoo. running between Sonos/PaceCar and DAC.
    • Chord Electronics Ltd. DAC-64
    DAC64 is famous for proprietary digital filter and jitter immunity through use of RAM buffer. after arrivial of Pace-Car i have switched the buffer off. this way sounds much better.
    • Kimber KS-1136
    much more neutral than cheap Kimbers. running from DAC to preamp.
    • McIntosh C2200
    very nice functionality, more or less neutral sound. also looks very impressive! put inside NOS Mullard M8137 and GEC A2900 tubes.
    • Kimber KS-1036
    have 2 pairs running from preamp to poweramps. best interconnect i have seen so far.
    • Meridian G57
    2x 200W at 8 Ohm, i use two of them. have found out they work especially nice with Vandersteen speakers.
    • Dynaudio OCOS
    i consider them as straight wire sonicwise and like manufacturer's claim that lenght does not affect the sound. use 2 pairs 7 m each.
    • Vandersteen Quatro
    Vandersteens are my favourite speakers. truly full-range, gentle highs, emotional and with deep soundstage.
    • Musatoff Isolation Transformer 1kW
    nice stuff to clean mains power without loss of dynamic. cleaner power for my DAC and Preamp make wonders. similar to original Isol-8 Qube.

Comments 2

Owner's manual states 330W at 4Ohm. but i would not recommend to drive loadspeakers rated at nominal 4Ohm, G57 is not very stable or maybe too enthusiastic (don't know technical background of this effect) with difficult load, you'll get A LOT OF BASS.


Hello: Can't seem to get an answer for power output of the G57 into 4ohms. Website gives specs into 8, then shifts into mono specifications. Can you clarify based on your setup??
regards, maleja


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