
This is it, I have achieved audio nirvana, will never upgrade or change anything (well... maybe...)

I have compared cleansers with systems costing 3 times as much, they don't hold a candle to this sound. John Hillig rules!

Totally black background, huge soundstage, this is basically like sitting in the front seat of a live concert/show/club

Components Toggle details

    • Musical Fidelity CD Pre 24
    DAC/CD transport and pre-amp in one package
    • Hafler DH-500 Musical Concepts mod
    Musical Concepts signature plus mods and full dual-mono conversion, Cardas binding posts, gold rca, IEC
    • Energy Veritas 1.8b
    Black lacquer
    • Canare 4S11 Star Quad
    Tri-wired with double runs, audioquest spades.
    • Modern Audio Design Pearl flat
    • Balanced Power Technologies CPC
    with 300 VA transformer
    • Yamaha T-80
    great little tuner
    • Nakamichi DR-2
    great deck!

Comments 3

System edited: swapped out Yamaha K-1000 deck with Nakamichi Dr-2. Wow, big difference in live dead tapes!


John Hillig of Musical Concepts does Hafler conversions/upgrades.

I think he must be aware that he is the best at what he does, though he's probably too modest to admit it.

My Haf has his full dual mono conversion and "signature" upgrades, as well as a few sundry addons. For info go to

To my ear, the set-up sounds better than McIntosh and Krell at three to six times the buck.


Which cleansers did you compare -- 409, Mr. Clean, Comet, Ajax, or...???

Who is John Hillig and what exactly does he rule? Does he know he rules it?

I usually don't like the front seat at a concert -- I like to be a few rows back, but it that's your bag, by all means smoke it!

Back in the olden days, I used to have a Hafler 500 driving Maggie MG-III's and the combination sounded quite good. The 500 was a decent sounding amp as I recall.

Party on. :)


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