
This is where I arrived after trying different gear over the years. I just move a chair into the sweet spot when I want to listen. The room is live, but the beaming speaker design, high ceilings, and being open to the main level allows it to sound great without room treatment.

While my system did sound good, the South wall setup did have bass loading and cancellation problems. With the gear between the speakers, I would get awful feedback from the TT at around 80dB. That put me back to the West wall setup as I only had one corner to worry about. Moving the left speaker further into the room helped solve that, but it did put me close to a back wall. The South wall setup is ideal as it is open to the main level keeping me far away from a back wall.

To solve the South wall problem, I added four GIK Tri Traps, stacking two in each corner. I also added a small area carpet between the sweet spot and the speakers. The bass is much improved and well defined now. Imaging and separation were also improved. While not pictured, I do have four GIK 244 bass panel traps. Adding one 244 on the wall behind each speaker moves the sound stage out. Placing a 244 on the wall next to each speaker narrows the sounstage, so I have removed them.

Components Toggle details

    • ModWright SWLP 9.0SE
    Signature Edition. Pre-amp tubes are 5687WB Tungsol Branded Raytheon Kuhl-Tubes.
    • ModWright Sony 9100ES
    Platinum Level. Tubes are MU6900 (equivalent to Bendix 6900).
    • Dynavector Karat 17D3
    • Nottingham Space 294
    With Wave Mechanic
    • Nottingham Wave Mechanic
    Wave mechanic for precise speed control.
    • Moerch DP6
    The DP6 replaced the Ace Space 294 arm. While the Nottingham arm sounded good, the DP6 gave me deeper bass, sounds clearer with more detail and dynamics.
    • InnerSound Active Bass Amp / Sanders Sound Systems ESL Amp
    InnerSound active crossover bass amp on woofers, Sanders ESL amp on panels.
    • InnerSound Eros MK III
    Ultrastat Panels
    • Harmonic Technology Pro Silway MK III +
    • InnerSound Bass and ESL Panel Cables
    Roger Sanders said the InnerSound speaker cables are similar to what he sells now at Sanders Sound Systems.
    • Boston Audio Mat 1
    Turntable mat.
    • Gingko Audio Cloud 11
    Turntable isolation.
    • GIK Tri Traps
    Stacking two Tri Traps in each corner allowed me to go back to a South wall setup.
    • Shunyata Hydra
    Shunyata Hydra 6 power conditioner.

Comments 9

Nice room. Looks like your most recent speaker positioning is about the same as what I ended up with. Your room looks bigger than mine though. I found I got better results when I moved my Kayas about 5 or 6 ft from the back wall. One of the things I like about the Innersounds is the adjustability of the bass with the remote.




Do you still have the Nottingham?If so, can you tell me the dimensions of Gingko Audio platform and the covers
dimensions as well?
I'm asking because i just purchased the 294 and would like to eliminate foot and door vibrations.
Your system is very nice but i can't afford all the
nice gear.
Thank You


Thank you Dennis. I have them set up on the West wall now. That allows the left speaker to be further from the South wall with no North wall (open to main level) while being able to spread them further apart. I listen to mostly rock, some pop and classical. Piano music, like George Winston, relaxes me the most.

I finally got to meet Roger Sanders at a Feb 15th Chicago Audio Society meeting. He demo'd his Sanders 10b speakers there. He is as friendly and helpful in person as he is by email or on the phone.



Beautiful room and great looking system. Nice to have a room large enough to experiement with the placement, as you have.

Enjoy that rig. What do you listen too?


System edited: Room treatment. Added GIK Tri Traps and GIK 24 bass panel traps.


Nice setup. I am a TT new guy. I talked to my dealer about getting a nice setup. He recommended the Space 294. It looks like a great table. That tone arm looks interesting. I found a few posts on here about it used with this table. I am guessing that you would say that it is a nice combo. I am researching Dynavector as well to see if that arm would work. If not, then I am fairly certain that this is the route I would go. The 294 does seem to be a very nice table. I am sure that it sounds great with that gear.


Niiice.. finally I get to see more of your system. Looking good, Rich!


Thanks for the kind words Dabarrie. My system sounds wonderfully transparent and lifelike with a wide and deep soundstage. It has a natural tonality along with an excellent dynamic range. A friend describes it as “cozy warm and filled with detail.”

ModWright gear has an analog sound, so I have never experienced digital glare from it with redbook or SACD. I would say my vinyl playback sounds more nuanced and richer than the 9100. I did have to spend more than I planned on vinyl to get there though. I can listen to either for hours.

Prior CDP's, both owned/borrowed and demo'd at the house, have been Adcom GCD-575, AH! Njoe Tjoeb 4000 w/upsampler, Jolida JD100A w/Level-2 mod, a stock Sony 999ES, and a ModWright Sony Platinum Level 999ES w/tube rectified PS. Current tubes in my 9100 are MU6900. (The MU’s are equivalent to Bendix 6900). Prior DAC's, both owned or borrowed, have been Parasound DAC 2000 ULTRA (w/ the transport) and a Benchmark DAC 1.


Really nice system, looks really clean! What kind of sound are you experiencing? How does you vinyl compare to the modwright 9100es IYO. Also, what other Cd players have you had in your system?


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