
It's taken me a few different systems and a lot of experimenting with cables, tubes, etc to get here. I think my experience is now my system strength.

Components Toggle details

    • Fi 2a3 mono-blocks
    RCA 2a3's 5r4's and 6SF5s...
    • Gedlee Summa
    compression driver horn over a 15" woofer
    • Wavelength Audio Brick
    • Apple iBook
    I use iTunes and Peak LE
    • M.A.C. Palladium
    1m interconnect
    • Pure Note Titanium
    2m, bananas
    • Balanced Power Technologies L-9 Signature Cords + PPC Signature
    I use 3 L-9 Signatures and 1 PPC.

Comments 4

This system is completely different than the one described in the forum thread.


System edited: Digital is coming. I am auditioning digital front ends that offer volume control. I do not want a preamp.


System edited:


The Silverlines will all work fine with SET amps. I'm not sure about the Pro-Ac although I know they sound great.
The Wilson speakers are fairly efficent at 94 db. I'm not sure though how low the impedance dips. That is important to check out. You might want to call a Wilson dealer or the manufacturer to see how low it dips. I know it is rated at 4 ohms. If it doesn't dip much lower than that you will probably be ok as long as you don't go with real low power. A single 2A3 might be tough even though it sounds good. Most amps from 6-8 watts will probably be ok if you don't like loud rock and roll. Many manufacturers also make nice integrated SET which would be a real cost cutter and give you great performance. Good luck.


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