
I'd love some feed back on this system, assembled from some older components that have sat dormant for 10+ years (Spica speakers, Thorens table/grado cartridge (which is NOT currently hooked up) and some newer components that were purchased used, with the exception of the Parasound PHP 850 pre amp, that is new from Audio Advisor. I generally buy several items, decide what I want after various trials and analysis, and sell what remains.

I am very pleased with this system so far, but would like to improve it in certain areas:

1. Overall base response is a bit lacking, especially at lower volumes, but even when volume is turned up, the bottom end is a bit weak. Imaging is great , however. Maybe a subwoofer ? Better interconnects ? More beer ?

2. I find that the sound really develops only at higher volumes, which are often a bit louder than the rest of the family is comfortable with. I think this is called the noise floor. Any suggestions for improvement ?

3. I'm running the Adcom pre amp into the tuner jacks of the Parasound pre amp, to allow me the use of the Adcom's fm tuner. Is there any danger to this, or sound denigration that can result ?

4. The Cambridge Cd4SE only plays CD-R's burned at 32X (Legal copies !!). Does burn speed affect sound quality ? Is there any difference as far as CD-R media goes, one brand over another ?

Any other suggestions, no matter how minute, would be most appreciated. Upgrade suggestions, where I should venture for the next level of sound ? (BTW- I have not yet used the NAD integrated amp yet , so comments on that piece of equipment are also welcome. )

Thank you to all from the new kid on the block.

Components Toggle details

    • Parasound PHP-850
    Brand New
    • Adcom GFA-535 mkII
    Excellent Condition
    • Cambridge Audio CD-4se
    Excellent Condition
    • Spica SC-50
    Excellent Condition
    • Acoustic Research HT-130 Pro Series
    Stereophile Recommended
    • Straightwire (Basic style)
    Basic Model
    • Monster Cable (Low end basic cable)
    Low Cost Model-12 years old
    • Linn Basik-LVX
    Perfect Condition
    • Grado ??
    Costs $25 10 years ago
    • Adcom GTP-500
    Excellent condition
    • NAD 304
    Excellent Condition

Comments 3

I used a CD4SE with a Musical Fidelity x-10d tube line stage which improved the sound of the CD4se. But upgrading to a CAL Audio Sigma2 DAC made a much bigger improvement.


I'm relatively new to burning CD's as backup copies for use in the car, however I did take the time to listen critically in my home system to the first few I burned a few months ago. There seemed to be large differences with a higher burn speed. I now burn at the slowest speed I can, which works out in the real world to be between 4X and 8X, depending on how the software feels about my choice. I don't have enough experience with lots of different media, but I did ask for advice when I was getting my computer upgrade, and different techs had differing opinions. Can't help you there. Have you experimented? At way less than a buck each in a bulk pack, it's not an expensive experiment.


Regarding the Spicas, I've modified with metallized polys and better speaker wire internally and these can improve greatly. Might even try the Auricaps.


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