
Well it has taken me more than 20 years of upgrading to get this system where it is. I think it will sit as it is for quite some time.

Components Toggle details

    • SME Model 20/2
    SME 20/2 Performance Package with SME IV.Vi Tonearm
    • Koetsu Urushi Sky Blue
    Urushi Sky Blue
    • Cary Audio Design CD/SACD 306 Professional
    Cary Audio CD306 CD/SACD Professional
    • Valve Amplification Company Renaissance MK II
    VAC Renaissance MK II w/Phonostage
    • Valve Amplification Company Renaissance 70/70 MK III Signature
    Renaissance 70/70 MK III Signature
    • Sonus Faber Guaneri mementos
    Sonus Faber Guaneri mementos (Graphite)
    • Nordost Tyr
    Phono Cable
    • Shunyata Antares
    (2)1M pair XLR and SE
    • Shunyata Orion
    2.5M Pair
    • Shunyata Anaconda Helix and Python Helix
    (1)1.8M 20A Anaconda Helix and (5)1.8M Python Helix powercords
    • Shunyata V-Ray
    Shunyata V-Ray
    • Finite Elemente Pagode Signature
    Pagode Signature (Cherry)
    • Symposium Ultra Platform and Svelte Shelf
    Ultra Platform under the SME 20/2 and a Svelte Shelf under the Cary. Symposium Rollerblocks 2+ under the VAC amp and VAC preamp.

Comments 2

Nice system Balekan. Do you feel your 70/70 mk 3 has ample
power to drive your SF's. I had a 70/70 for a short time last
year. I felt as if they did not have ample power for my Vandersteen 5A's, which of course may generally be a tougher
load than yours. Certainly their efficiency is higher than
my 5's 87 DB. Please, everyone refrain from comments on how easy the 5A's are to drive. As with most medium efficiency
speakers, they enjoy some power IMO.


Good morning Balekan,,,,,and nice system by the way. I must ask you a selfish question about your cabling. I just purchased and still breaking in a 3.0 meter bi-wired pair of Shunyata Andromeda speaker cables. All of my other cabling is Synergistic Research Absolute Reference ic's and digital...the pc's are Shunyata Anaconda's and King Cobra's ( love the original King Cobra's ) You have nice tubed gear but my system is SS - Jeff Rowland. My question to you is how are the Antares ic's ???? I can see where some people would call the Shunyata signal cables ''lean '', but to me, they sound more tonally balanced I am also considering the Synergistic Research Apex ic's.....but the Andromeda's have suprised me.....


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