
Following a temporary relocation and dismantling of my previous system, I have re-assembled a new system by upgrading critical components.

Only the turntable and DNA 500 Amplifier remain from my old system. The Vandersteen 5A's were previously in storage for a long time but now are installed and paired with the Modwright Tube Line Stage with external power supply, new balanced filters, acoustic zen double barrel shotgun and silver matrix balanced interconnects.

Still breaking in but very musical.

Opinions welcome.

Components Toggle details

    • VPI Industries ScoutMaster on Steroids
    VPI ScoutMaster upgraded with single motor/flywheel combination drive system and HRX Feet.
    • VPI Industries JMW-9 Signature with Valhalla cable
    Upgraded the JMW-9 arm to the new JMW-9 Signature Tonearm with Nordost Valhalla wiring, fluid dampening, mechanical anti-skate system
    • Modwright SWP 9.0SE Phono Stage
    Tube Phono Stage
    • Shelter 901
    Shelter 901 MC Cartridge
    • Benz Micro Ace M
    MC Cartridge
    • Cary Audio Design CD-306
    • Oppo Blue Ray Player BDP-83
    Universal Blue Ray,SACD,DVD Audio etc etc Player
    • Modwright KWA 150 Amplifier
    • Modwright Instruments LS 36.5 DM
    Tube Linestage with External Dual Mono Power Supply with 6H30DR Russian Super Tubes
    • Vandersteen 5A
    Reference Loudspeaker
    • Modwright (Logitech) Transporter Music Server + Mods
    Transporter with Platinum Sig Truth Modifications
    • Acoustic Zen Double Barrel Shot Gun
    Bi Wire Speaker Cables
    • Acoustic Zen Silver Matrix Balanced
    Linestage To Amp Interconnect
    • Acosutic Zen Silver Reference II & Matrix
    • Kimber Kable Select
    • VPI Phono Cable
    Tonearm to Preamp interconnect
    • VPI Industries SDS
    Synchronous Drive System
    • PS Audio Power Plant Premier
    AC Re-generator
    • Richard Gray 400s
    Power Conditioner
    • VPI 16.5
    • VPI HRX Staineless Steel Clamp
    • VPI HRX Stainless Steel Rings
    • KAB Speed Strobe Disk
    Speed Calibration disk with laser beam.
    • Gingko Audio Cloud 11
    Isolation base for SuperScoutmaster
    • Tel Wire Tel Wire Power Cords for Amp + Pre
    Power Cord
    • Shunyata Python Alpha + Alpha 2
    20 Amp Power Cord + conditioner

Comments 11

System looks great.  How are you liking the Tel Wire AC cables?  Also curious to hear thoughts about the ModWright amp driving the 5As.


System edited: Added the Oppo BDP-83. Excellent Blue Ray, redbook, SACD, DVD AUDIO, universal player,


System edited: Upgraded the Transporter to the Modwright Plat1num Sig mods


System edited: I am very pleased with this all Modwright system. Very holographic and the level of detail is unbelievable. Unbelievable speed, dynamics, airy highs and inner detail. Musical notes are full bodied. Absolutely Zero edge and notes decay with unbelievable "hang time". Just added the Modwright KWA 150 amplifier recently to complete the system and this system just sounds right. The KWA 150 just replaced the McCormack DNA 500 which is an excellent amplifier in its own right. The new Tel Wire power cords for amplifier and preamp powers the system. Very very musical! In a week I will add some bass traps and echo busters to further refine the listening environment. Looking forward to see what impact that will have on the overall sound. However at the moment, This system is just right.


System edited: The system was dismantled, stored for a year and re-assembled recently. Speaker, Linestage, Phonostage and Interconnects upgraded.


System edited: Updated the system and Renamed after the 2 Channel gear is sperated from the home theater gear. Updated components. Enjoying the music. Will kick it up another notch WAYYYYY UP when Vandersteen 5A's are finally setup.


System edited: Modwright Tube Linestage with ByBee Filter and Tung Sol Tube upgrades. HT bypass and remote. This represents a serious emphasis in 2 channel audio integration into the existing system. Super sound improvement in resolution and definition. Low end definition, taut bass lines, airy highs, awesome midrange clarity. Great sonic improvement. Steady and slow progress to audio nirvana. The journey continues. Enjoying the music.


System edited: The evolution of this system continues down the 2 Channel path with the McCormack DNA 500 driving the front channels. Simply awesome.


Thanks Giangtrant. It is still a work in progress to keep everything neat but with tweaking and moving speakers around, those cables are tough to hide.

The built in rack for the AV gear rotates on its own axis to expose the spaghetti mess of cables on the back when needed. Wires are routed from a port in the rear of the closet and out through the walls and ceilings.

The analog front end was not part of the original idea thats why its all hanging out. And that is just fine.

Again, thanks.


You must have gotten at least 30 different units connected together on your system, and how you can manage to keep everything so neatly in a small room that you've got without showing any loose cable is a miracle. Great Job.


System edited: Uploaded pics. Would love opinions, suggestions on how to improve system in all areas. Thank you for stopping by.


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