
See below

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    • Marantz tt15s1
    • Cambridge Audio 840c
    • Dynaudio c1
    • PS Audio gcph
    phono amp
    • Bryston BP 16
    • Bryston 3B SST

Comments 4

I've been interested in this turntable for a while. What are your thoughts on it? And what cartridge are you using?

I likewise, have the same phono stage and think it is amazing running directly into a tube power amp. For grins For a test, I took my CA 640A v2 (from our TV room) and hooked it up in my TT system. The synergy w/ the GCPH was spectacular, so I imagine your 840 series must be a superb match. In fact I liked my Technics TT, GCPH, and CA combo so much I thought that it must sound great w/ CA's top tier kit, and that is how I came upon your system. I truly believe you have a hid gem.

I hope you have a nice audio rack. I'm using a Target Audio rack and it compliments CAs and Technics TT gear so well by adding soulful body to the sound.

Lets see some photos.


thanks for the comment mjcmt.

chris, i found it hard to audition amps, as i wasn't really able to pair amps within the same system. i read a lot of user reviews, and ended up getting a really good deal on a new 840v2, so i went with it. i got it before the dyns. i like the amp. i had to send it back to get the preamp out fixed. audiopluss services were great to deal with and fixed it perfectly.


Great equip list. Some pictures would be nice as well ;-)

Also, are there any other amps you looked at other than the 840? I'm looking for a new integrated and CA's 740 is on my list (the 850 is out of my range). I'm just curious as to how you chose the Cambridge combo, and your thoughts on others you auditioned


Sounds like you have a nicely thought out system. I love both CA and Dynaudio.


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