Room Details

Dimensions: 22’ × 20’  Large
Ceiling: 9’

Components Toggle details

    • Dunlavy SCIV- a
    • Pass labs Int250
    • Lumin T2
    • Rel S-510

Comments 3

Holy freaking jaw drop, Batman! That desk looks almost EXACTLY like the one I used to have in my office. Is there a monstrously sprung typewriter shelf behind that door on the left? :)


I wouldn't say your office is dirty. In fact, it looks very tidy, though the desk itself has a lot of character. It couldn't hurt to get the speakers on a pair of Auralex foam wedges to decouple them from the desktop, and it would help aim them at your ears for better coherence. It would be a low-cost tweak. Alternately, if you've got woodworking tools, I suppose you could make a pair of little wooden blocks to angle the speakers toward you, and overlay the contact surfaces with felt, and you'd accomplish most of the same effect.


You use the same brand of drivers as me, Peerless HDS and you can't go wrong with DH labs. Your sound will improve substantially if you can elevate the speakers off the desk.
Cheers thermo


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