
Slowly maturing 2 channel system that is now benefitting from its new home in an extra bedroom. Room acoustics now being addressed.

Components Toggle details

    • Rega Planet 2000
    Warm and musical.
    • Rotel RC-1070
    Analytical, musical and engaging.
    • Rotel RB-1080
    Very nice amp. Needs to be hit with some gain before it comes alive. Unfatiguing sound.
    • Paradigm Studio 60 V.2
    Lovely speakers. Bass could be a bit tighter down low, but an unmuddled, uncolored midrange. Shines with warmer equipment.
    • Signal Cables Analog 2
    with the Bullett plug terminations, this cable has beaten Kimber, Audioquest, Straightwire, Ps Audio. A genuine value in this silly hobby.
    • Nordost Super Flatline Biwire
    Very open, revealing sound. Bass is fine. Leaves any brightness or sibilance nowhere to hide in your chain, so beware.
    • PS Audio Plus Power Cable
    Possible snake oil alert- perhaps my stuff is not transparent enough to reveal the gains brought by these products, but it was cheap, looks like an anaconda, and has the most tenacious grip on the component when plugged in.

Comments 3

It was not my intention to offend you. I apologize.

Actually it was not an aesthetic evaluation. Just that they cannot contribute to taming frequencies below 200hz and will only server to overdampen the room.

It is essential when using devices in a room to 'first do no harm'. It can be harmful to the mid/high frequencies that get absorbed while taming the lower frequencies.

Professional devices use reflection technology (plastic film) to not absorb above say 400hz. Normal room furnishings will suffice, or can even be too much above that range.

Try some plactic film or aluminum foil over the pillows and see if you do not notice a difference: especially since they are approx to ear level. There is much hi-frequency reflecting as well that goes on in the corners.


The bass traps are a bit large, but addressed and soaked up nodes below 200hz that were energizing the room. The toe-in was a project of several weeks of listening and represents a focal point about 3 feet behind the central listening position. The studio 60's have a bass response to about 38hz and in this relatively small listening space, responded quite well to shallow toe-in. Their placement in the room is a modified golden triangle ratio to minimize room node accentuation. Speakers are spiked with about a 5 degree inclination. DIY sidewall reflection absorbers still in the works. The pillows stay, I'm not here for aesthetic opinion. You presume much about the ignorance of your fellow enthusiasts.


What is the low frequency extension of the speakers? Those bass traps look like over-kill. Lose the pillows :-) It is possible the room has become deadened unnecessarily. The drapes, and perhaps some side wall reflection device should be sufficient. Its not like you are getting 'bass-boom', right.

Also, you want the tweeters approximately at ear level, or a little above. If you cannot raise them or lower listener, try tilting them back, which is all the easier if they are on spikes.

And play with angeling the speakers a little toward the listening position. Balace the focus with sound stage width. That is, the greater focus is obtained by angeling them directly at the listener position. But at the expense of some sound stage ambiance.

A few degrees in will also help with side wall reflections.

If this sounds interesting to you, let me know and I will refer you to setup diagrams.


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