
This mostly oddysey system is a result of the last 9 months and is my first foray into higher end audio. It is small potatos compared to the big dogs out there but the sound is absolutely awesome. It is by no means perfect but I am estatic and never realized music could sound so great. The best part of all is that my musical tastes now span a range of music I never realized existed. So, I'm happy but I also have the bug to continue to tinker. Any feedback on a source (better digital..Campbridge Azur 840C or Squeeze box?) would be welcome. Enjoy the music all and please feel free to leave any comments as I would greatly appreciate suggestions and ideas.

Peace ~ T

Components Toggle details

    • Odyssey Audio Stratos Mono Extreme SE's
    A huge upgrade over my original Stratos.
    • Odyssey Audio Candela
    One sweet pre. major upgrade from the ss I have prior.
    • Rotel RCD 1072
    Great first player but the one area I will be upgrading
    • Odyssey Audio Lorelei
    Simple, understated, great em
    • Spelz Anti - IC's w/eichmann bullet plugs
    My first foray into cables. I will let them break in and then put the radio shack cables back in place to see the difference. Not sure I buy into this tweak yet.
    • Spelz anti cables
    same as anti-ic's
    • sound anchors speaker stands
    I have an uneven carpeted floor. These were a must and made a huge difference.
    • VTI cheap rack
    another needed upgrade but does the trick for now. The mono's won't fit in the rack so they are sitting on travertine tile with rubber in between. Not sure I buy into a stand being a performance upgrade but will eventually upgrade for the cool factor at least.

Comments 4

I like your new rack, you don't call, don't write. I'll send you an e-mail


Great system and living space you have, you are on your way for sure!


Nice finish / grain on the Loreleis. Also, it seems it might be fun turning those speakers loose in the expanse your room presents. Thanks for the photos, and Merry Christmas. FYI - Grover's ICs pair well with Odyssey gear, see threads/reviews in AudioNervosa forums.

Happy listening!


Nice and clean, keep up the good work. It is not about the $$$,$$$ but about the sound of MUSIC- if it sounds good to you then it is worth evey penny in it. All good things come in time enjoy what you have today

Thanks for sharing


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