
I'm upgrading my system slowly over time. My amp has been a bit problematic, so it might be time to try tubes - looking at a Bottlehead kit right now. Still haven't added a DAC, but will do that when time and money permits. This system sounds really good, and sometimes great.

Room Details

Dimensions: 20’ × 15’  Medium
Ceiling: 9’

Components Toggle details

    • Rega Apollo
    Rega Apollo CD player with Wolfson dual differential DACs and class A solid state output.
    • Sugden A21ap
    25wpc class A solid state amp made by Sugden. Sounds sweet as butter after it warms up for 20 minutes. Runs really hot, gets 2 big heat sinks that run the entire length of the amp hot enough that you don't want to touch!
    • Magnepan MG-2.6r
    These are torn apart right now, but on my to-do list. I've repaired the wires. Need to build a new frame and upgrade the crossover Peter Gunn style.
    • Decware Zen Open Baffle
    Open baffle speakers with a resonator cabinet. Uses the FRX2 driver from Decware.
    • Vandersteen 2Wq Subwoofer
    Pair of 2Wq subwoofers to help out my open baffle speakers. They are intended to integrate with stereo speakers, and they do that quite well in this system, handling frequencies below 80Hz.
    • Promitheus Audio TVC
    A transformer volume control. The sound from this is as clean as it gets. It is a pain to change volume levels without a remote, but I'll make that sacrifice for what this does.
    • PS Audio P300 Power Plant
    Supplies regenerated power to all my small signal electronics. Power amps use juice straight from the wall. The load would be too much for the P300 in any case.

Comments 2

System edited: I'm still putting this system together. I'm going to add a transformer volume control and some DIY interconnects and speaker wire. After that, balanced power and then finally I'll replace my VR3 speakers with a DIY design by Troels Gravesen.


Updated to reflect recent split from a combined HT/stereo system to a dedicated 2 channel.


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