
I have assembled this system slowly thru the years, looking for a sound that was natural but very detailed. Too often digital detail means harsh, and finding the perfect analog rig at a commoner's price is a tough task. The Shindo gear is as natural sounding a component as I have heard, and worth every penny. The Devores are a good fit, as they are equally well balanced and very dynamic. Shindo and Auditorium 23 cabling round out what is for me a very natural and easy on the ears rig. Add in the Kuzma Stabi/Stogi table with Denon DL103 and this is a system to grow old with. Of course, digital will change, but analog rules...!

Components Toggle details

    • McIntosh MCD 201
    A solid sender, akin to the previously hailed MVP 861. For 3k makes the most of digital, clean, robust, deep bass.
    • Shindo Allegro
    Having owned the raved over Monbrison, let me say that the Allegro is more accurate, extended and just as boogey down fantastic.
    • Shindo Montrachet
    35w of torrential push pull sound. The Montrachet bested my former BAT 75 in every area, and has been a mainstay for almost a year. Dead quiet, well balanced, works well with Allegro pre..
    • DeVore Super 8
    Another very well balanced, coherent component. The Super 8s are more rock solid and bass tight than DeVore's Gibbon 8s and posess same tweeter as the Stereophile Class A approved Silverbacks. Easy to drive, clean, extremely detailed and immaculate sounding.
    • Shindo IC
    One meter, very natural sounding. Don't highlight any particular part of spectrum, but just get out of the way.
    • Kuzma Stabi Basic
    I really have the Stogi/Stabi combo, with the Denon DL103 cart, this has to be one of the most musical analog rigs on the planet!
    • Auditorium 23 speaker cables
    Keith Aschenbrenner's speaker cables are almost as good as his great Solovox speakers. Forgiving, but with plenty of life, natural, but with impact. They let music flow without being overly analytical or, sorry, ANAL!

Comments 3

Do you stiil have the Gibbons Super 8? How big is your room? Do you have enough bass?


this is hands down the best system here on Audiogon. All of it represents incredible value and someone who has spent alot time researching, and listening before making a choice. The results are excellent.

Nice work, you have a fine ear. Enjoy!


I just bought a pair of Super 8s myself and am looking for a good amplifier. I take it that the Shindo Montrachet is working well for you? How much did you pay for your Montrachet?

Thanks, Steve


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