
The centerpiece of the system is the Oswald's Mill refurbished Garrard 301 and Soundsmith Sussurro cartridge. The 301/Sussurro has taken me to the ultimate level and I am done with any changes to the analog front end.

I may make some other changes down the road.

Components Toggle details

    • Toshiba SD-9200
    • Oswald's Mill Garrard 301
    Re-furbished 301 in custom Oswalds' Mill Slate Plinth.
    • Schick 12
    Very musical tonearm. Peter Ledermann added the anti-skate mechanism.
    • Soundsmith Sussurro
    Easily the best component I have in my system. Low output moving iron.
    • Soundsmith Bufferered Linestage
    Very small, competent pre-amp made by the incomparable Peter Ledermann.
    • Soundsmith MCP2
    Phono stage with adjustable resistance.
    • Rogue Audio Atlas
    Customized by Mark at Rogue. Uses KT-90's in push-pull mode. Great amp for the price.
    • Bear Labs custom horns Bear Labs Custom
    Custom horns with Altec 803B multi-cells; unobtanium compression driver; modified Altec A-7 box.
    • Mapleshade Samson v.3
    Beautiful, substantial maple equipment rack.

Comments 4

Is it "proper to have your MR horns turned 90 degrees sideways?


Wondering if you heard the table before the oma plinth came or
was it a package deal.


I like the Samson a lot. I have the 4" maple slab under the table with the brass footers and isoblocks before the Samson. The brass footers gave me a bit more foundation to the bass as well as the isoblocks.
It's a bit tough to A/B with a table that weighs around 150lbs. I need to call a friend to help me move it. My wife claims a bad back. The whole combination of the mass of the OMA slate plinth and 301, mass of maple block and the extreme rigidity of the Samson has given the sound a rock-solid foundation that is unrivaled in my experience.
Plus, Pierre is a delight to work with. Knowledgeable and extremely friendly.


Very nice system. I've considered the Mapleshade stand. How do you like it?


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