
I am extremely satisfied with this set up, finally. I believe I've hit the point of diminishing returns untill I get to about double the retail of this.

Components Toggle details

    • NAD S170
    6.1 Preamp
    • NAD S-200
    Left and right front
    • (2) NAD 218 thx
    • samson s1000
    500/channel sub amp
    • PSB Stratus Gold i
    Front left and right
    • PSB Stratus C6i
    • (2) SVS 20 39 Plus
    stereo subs
    • PSB Image 10s
    Left and right surrounds
    • PSB Image 8c
    Center Back
    • Sony DVP 999ES
    DVD and SACD
    • Sony HS51
    LCD Projector and 106" Dalite screen
    • Monster Power 2500
    Only for Preamp and CD
    • Acoustic Zen Ref. Matrix II
    Used for Front Three Channels
    • Acoustic Zen MC2
    Digital Cable
    • DH Labs Q-10

Comments 10

Please do try bringing your LR speakers forward of the TV and scoot up to listening in near-field conditions before you buy anything else.


It's always the next model up that will do the trick...


I'm already using the 6 channel pass through, and I have (4) 20 amp dedicated circuits.
I'm a little suprised about the Heron I's, I would think a speaker like that would do the trick, although I never heard them.
Like you said, maybe I should add a turntable to the mix. After that I may have to consider setting up another system.
Thanks again


Hi Michael,

I'm kinda in the same boat as you. Trying to increase the 2ch performance in a HT setup. No, a TV in the middle does not help anything out.

-Does you pre/pro have analog pass thru? This might help.
-Install dedicated power lines. This was by far the most cost effective improvement I ever did. Tons of threads here about them, keep things simple. Basically run a wire from point A to point B. Sounds more difficult than it really is, but even for professional installation the cost/performance is get, in my case.
-Vinyl....I'm still strongly thinking about this. I heard really good vinyl and it was great. Whole different topic here, but if you want great 2ch performance......

In reality for a truly deep sound stage I think you need really, really big speakers. Something I heard once. I have the ML Heron-I's across the front and they really only scratch the surface in my opinion.

I think if you made any major change, start with the pre/pro as this can really affect the soundstage. Amps seems to really make more bass in a generic sum up.

Good luck.



I used to run my two channel amp through it, but the detail and dynamics increased when I had it direct into the outlet. Now I only use it for the cd and preamp. Should I try and eliminate it altogether?


I doubt there is anything wrong with the NAD amps...when was the last time you tried not using the power "filter?"



Try a tri-phazer.



I discovered that about a month ago, I couldn't believe how much the imaging and soundstage improved.

That is really my problem, the 3 identical amps make for a tremendous HT, and I am hesitant to change it. If I upgrade and try to match the 6 channels it will be expensive. I've never tried Rotel amps, I thought of matching to the premp but I wasn't sure if it would be an upgrade. A lot of people feel tube amps are best with ML, but that wouldn't be good for HT. I'm looking for a deeper sounstage, increased dynamics. As Bundee mentioned, moving the speakers out helped, but I think the tv is a problem and I may be better off setting up a second system.


I am not familiar with the NAD amp you have, but that might be an area for improvement. It's a tough move considering that you have three that match and that is good for home theater performance. Did you try a Rotel amp since you have a Rotel pre? A better quetion to post might be "Best amp for Meadowlark Speakers". What kind of improvements are you looking for? Dynamics? Soundstage? Warm? Tubey... Also, what kind of music do you prefer would help out.



I dont know if youve tried this but try pulling the speakers a few feet in front of the TV so it doesnt interfere with the stereo image.


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