
System for the wife, family and me for easy but fine listening.

Components Toggle details

    • Rodger's LS3/5a
    8 ohm variety. with stands
    • R E L Stadium MK II
    10 inch driver: single
    • New York Audio Labs Futterman
    125w mono, 250 lbs. Modified by George Kaye. Dual Chassies in custom cases
    • Bear Labs Silver Lightening
    Pre amp to amps, 6m balanced
    • Asylum Cable Basic
    Various lengths from power conditioners to components
    • Proceed CDP
    Drives Futterman's directly

Comments 5


Can we have an update since you deployed the Halcros. I heard these at a hifi show and they just blew everything else away. They were paired with a Clearaudio Master Reference.


Thanks for the comments. I think I do have the latest incarnation of the EMC-1. I know it is not the last word in digital reproduction. I did evaluate a few single box rigs and it offered me the best price/performance since I was able to get a substantial discount. My critial listening is done via vinyl. So far I am using the phono section of the Levinson. It will do for now but eventually I plan to make a serious re-evaluation of my phono amplification section. As for why picking the Levinson, well there are two reasons. First, I listened to a number of tube preamps and just found the sound in my system was too 'tuby'- bloated bass, unreal high frequency - just not tonally accurate. The Levinson sounded in my system, to my ears, quite transparent allowing the front end to perform very well. Now the second reason... there was a time when I would not accept remote control in my audio gear. I was a purist damn it! : ) But as life changes you need your creature comfort. While the Levinson may not be the *best* preamp (what is?) it certainly has enough sonic stength, as well as versatility, ergonomics and creature comforts to make my listening sessions highly pleasurable. Gone for me are the days of 'hair shirt' audio! But then I'm just getting old....


Unusual to mate a tube amp with solid state preamp.
What lead to this decision?


Very nice. What phone amp are you using with the Helikon?


NICE SYSTEM! Very well balanced. I do envy your system. However, I would suggest maybe upgrading your digital. Maybe get the latest EMC upgrade? I had the 24/192 EMC player before the latest upgrade, and I was not wholly impressed. It sounded a bit electronic and not natural compared to a Cary 306/200.



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