
Can you think of a better way to start your day at work? If I've got to be here then starting with a Blue Note concert in my office is the right way to begin.

Simple very warm & smooth system designed for 30-40 hours a week of listening bliss without ever being fatiguing. Streaming Tidal and many times KJazz makes for a great day.

Eventually my Sota table will make it to the office. The phono section on the Masterwork is just too good to not use.

Components Toggle details

    • Schiit Bifrost
    Running with a Music Fidelity 192 V-Link from my PC
    • Masterwork 6BM8 Tube Integrated
    Built by Pilot for Masterwork 50 years ago and still sounds amazing with only 10 watts.
    • Merrill Zigmahornet
    Full range single drivers. You won't believe the bass coming from a 4

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