
Suggestions on kinks in the armor?

Components Toggle details

    • Lamm Industries ML-2
    Very detailed with a tight base and a weight to die for. Did an A/B between ML-1 and ML-2. ML-2 vastly superior.
    • Lamm Industries L2
    Very organic and smooth.
    • Lamm Industries LP2 - Deluxe
    Ultra-detail and very organic sounding. I did an A/B between this and the Manley Steelhead. I was surprised that the LP2 had much more weight without giving up any air.
    • Micro Seiki 5000
    Heavy with the same solid sound.
    • Ikeda Unknown
    Great engineering.
    • Shelter 901
    Detailed and natural sounding.
    • CEC TL-0
    Beautifull looks. A bit finicky on certain CD's but sound speaks for itself.
    • Zingalli 115
    I never knew that a Horn speaker could sound this uncolored. Extremely fast and full bodied. Easlily the finest speaker I have ever heard.
    • Dedicated Lines 1 for each amp, 1 for source
    Less grunge, blacker background.
    • Weiss Unknown
    Very nice sound.

Comments 3

Great system. I bet you always listen LP's,so new table and upgrade the arm to 2.2 is a good idea.


Overall, you have a very nice system, Henry. Aside from Tireguy's recommendation, about the only possible recommendations I see might include:

1. Proper power conditioning. I'd recommend your taking a look at the Foundation Research LC-1 and LC-2 passive in-line (dedicated) conditioners.

I just noticed the other day that BoundforSound now has the Foundation Research LC's in the big rig. Also, there's a nice review on these LC's in from a few months back. And these take the place of the power cables since they come with their own. Yet, do substantially more toward cleaning up the AC.

2. You make no mention of handling air-borne vibrations and resonance. I'd recommend demo'ing Star Sounds Audio Points under each component, speakers, and rack. Decent results after installation. Fantastic results after the 7 - 9 day mechanical break-in period.

3. You also make no mention of a racking system. Again, proper mechanical transfer of air-borne vibrations and resonance is extremely important at extracting the performance of your system. A properly designed performance-oriented rack makes an absolute difference at both the micro- and macro-dynamic levels.

You already have the dedicated lines which really benefit. But without the above three relatively inexpensive recommendations, you simply are not able to fully experience what your equipment is cable of reproducing.



Hey you must be the fellow from NYC named Henry my local audiophile friend Don has been talking to. Nice system! The main suggestion I would make is if you listen to any signficant amount of cd's then get a different cd player- there's a lot more to be heard.


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