
Audio room that does two channel music. All video gear has been relocated to video room.

Components Toggle details

    • Dunlavy Audio Labs SC-V
    Light Oak'd Giants
    • Pass Labs X0.2
    Preamp with no coloration
    • Pass Labs XA160
    Class A Amp
    • Pass Labs D1
    Musical D/A
    • Pass Labs XONO
    phono pre
    • Lexicon RT-10
    DVD,DVD-A,SACD Player
    • Fanfare FT-1A
    FM only Tuner with Silver cable innards upgrade.
    • Project Perspective
    Very dynamic Acrylic Table
    • Sumiko Celebration
    Low output MC
    • Hovland Groove 2
    Phono only cable
    • Synergistic Research Master Control Center
    Active shielding power supply box, now has Pass X series face plate.
    • Nakamichi RX-505
    Fun piece I can't let go of
    • Synergistic Research Des Refs - Multiple XLR and RCA
    Active Shielded Cables
    • Synergistic Research Res Ref 2 (Full bi-wired) 15 ft
    2 individual sets for all three fronts
    • Synergistic Research Res Ref and Des Ref cables
    All power cables that accept IEC
    • Synergistic Research Des Ref Squared
    Large Power Cable for Main amp
    • BMI Shark
    (2) Power cords for SACD player and DAC

Comments 23

hey buddy you need pictures to show off this system it must sound great with those new amps. pete

[email protected]

XA160 Mono Blocks added to system. Result from this change is a very fluid, even more comfortable sound.


System has been seperated, will update system make up soon. New Audio room complete.


System Updated


What are you driving the center and surrounds with?


System edited: updated system 4-8-03


Having looked back at this thread, I see how people can be confused by "my children" references.-- I have two toddlers and two teenagers. Very different sets of audio problems. The little ones want to touch everything out of curiosity, the big ones do it just because they can. It is harder to police the older ones as they are left home alone and nothing can be elevated high enough to be out of their reach. The little ones are just the opposite.


My advice would be to give them the leftovers from audio past. Best case is to "hand-me-down" current items as an excuse to upgrade your main system. If they have a good system in their rooms, they won't use the main system. The exception in our home is that they are not allowed to play my vinyl on anything but my TT. Hence, the rub. I guess I need a new TT for the main system.


My kids are getting to the same point. I'm not sure if I should lock it up, or lock them up. Any advice???


My Wife doesn't use the TT or any of the main system. Her extent of electronic gear is the Projector, DishPVR, DVD player or the Tivo. She won't even use the HDTV tuner. No worries there.

It's my teenagers that I worry about. They like a lot of classic rock and heavy metal which I have on vinyl that they don't have on CD.

The give away was when the wanted to know how the VPI 16.5 works.


I don't regret the purchase of the X0.2, but I can not honestly say that I hear anything that jumps out at me sonically. Both units are very neutral and quiet. The 0.2 may be a bit quieter. I still have no complaints with the Pass preamps.


In the issue of analog, dont worry about the kids its when your gone and the wife gets a hankering to play records !!!!!!!


now that you had a chance to listen to the X.02, do you still think that there is no sonic improvement over the X1?


My current analog sources are a a Sumiko Perspective and a Sumiko Celebration running to the X-Ono via Hovland Music Groove 2 (MG2) cables.

I am waiting for someone to sell that "special" turntable on Audiogon.

For now, there is no hurry to replace the the Perspective/ Celebration combo, it is outstanding in many ways. My other hold up is that having two small children in the house with a $10k+ TT/ Cart combo is a situation I do not look forward to worrying about.


what are you using for analog sources?


System edited: I finally stepped up to X0.2 from the X1. I haven't noticed a sonic improvement yet, but having balanced ins on all six inputs made it worth it. Eventually I will also use the two sets of balanced amplifier outputs for biamping or with active crossovers. It wasn't easy finding another space in the rack for yet another chassis, but space was made.(Grin)


Aaron, if this is your idea of "meager", i'd like to see "full tilt" : ) Sean >


Marakenetz, If the Pass player could best the digital front end I have now..Yes, I would. I have done many comparisons and have found no CD player yet that CLEARLY bested what I have. I have tried all the "best" players, and none were able to make me go "Wow, that is what I am missing." I am still looking for something to best my digital rig, and it would take something to best my Analog rig for me to spend the $16K and up that some are asking for their gear. Digital to me is now second fiddle again. Analog, of course, being first. Best Regards, Aaron


First, let me say that your system looks great on paper. I also have the Dunlavy SC-Vs and have had great success. The thing, though, that has really made the system special has been the tweeks. The speakers have benefited from the use of Marigo dots, Orchard Bay spikes and vertically biamped speaker wire from Audio Magic. When we built the house we put in a dedicated wiring loop to the system. I also believe that some the newer power conditioners/ regenerators also can really help and I especially like the CD tweeks from Mapleshade. Good luck- Dan


Would you go for Pass CD player if there were one?


An update. I did end up selling the 777. I bought a SCD-1 to replace it. Bought a Pass D1, then sold the SACD-1 due to a lack of its necessity as a transport/ SACD player. Now I use the 9000es as a transport and it does a wonderful job. The other nice thing about ridding myself of the (top-loading) SCD-1 is I now have room for a turntable on the top of the rack again. -Aaron


I like the sound of the 9000 over the 777 on all but dull sounding pieces. The 777 is brighter sounding and seems to find things in recordings. If I cound only have one, I would choose the 9000. I think your dealer is probably correct. Besides most dealers can't give the 777 away at their cost around here.


Aaron, I am curious as to how the DV-P9000es compares to the SCD-777es? I talked to my local dealer and he claims that the 9000 sounds better due to newer technology, but i suspect he wants to sell product. Thanks


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