
I just want to enjoy the music now. I never thought a system simple and inexpensive could replace my $ 75,000 system. But it has, and in Spades.

Components Toggle details

    • Agape 2a3
    I never believed that 3 1/2 watts could perform at this level. Sounds better than my Tenors.
    • Audio Aero Capitol Mk II W/P4 Chip
    This unit replaces my need for seperate DAC, Transport, or Pre-amp. Sounds really good.
    • Decware HDT 206 EM
    The sound is nothing short of unbelievable! Don't be fooled by the price, they compete with the best of the best.
    • Genesis Technologies G-900b
    Takes care of the lower octive.
    • DIVA Custom Made 2 Meter Single Ended
    These were custom made in China. They compare to some of the most expensive cables made in this country.
    • Argent Pursang
    Those familiar with this cable know it is one of the best out there. Very open and detailed.
    • Tonain Labs Supra P/C , Top of the line.
    I replaced my Erod Signature P/Cs and lost nothing in sound quality.

Comments 4

System edited: Happy Ears and a Heavy Pocketbook!


My Studio under construction. I am moved in now. Now this is the ultimate component.


The Argent "Pursang" is a well-reviewed cable on the Net. I found it to be very open and detailed. I also like the performance in the bottom end. Contact info in on Audiogon.

I purchased my Supra Power Cords from Philefreak. These performed as well as my Elrod Signatures at a fraction of the cost. Contact Philefreak here on Audiogon for more information. The sound has been excellent. I still don't have them completely burned in, but if what I am hearing now is any indication of what is to come, I am in for a real treat.

Philefreak is also my source for the interconnects. I am sure he can help you there as well. I A B/ed them against some the most expensive and exotic cables available. These really work and at just a fraction of the cost of other cables that they put to shame.


I want to know more about the cables, and IC's Please provide link, or...thanks


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