
The 300B- w/ 8 watts per channel drives the Piega's wonderfully. The Planet is a perfect match, I owned much more expensive units that did not blend well. The P-5 is a revelation- a giant killer at the price-especially with the Lyra Argo. The Piega's positively sing. I listen more to this than my home system- mostly because I'm there all the time.

Components Toggle details

    • Rega Planet 2000
    almost as good as the Jupiter I just sold.
    • Rega P-5, w/RB700 arm
    silver finish
    • Lyra Argo
    hih output mc
    • Rega Fono
    unbelievably good for the price
    • Piega C-3
    • Air Tight ATC-1
    • Air Tight ATM-300
    W/ Nos WE 300b

Comments 4

is Samuelg sam tellig?


If I ditched the desk I would probably lose my job. I keep 20-30 LPs at any one time and constantly rotate them out. The cables on the floor are Harmonic Tech truthlink, Cardas Golden Hexlink speaker cable and Nordost quattro fil. The iPod is used as an occasional source. If the music is saved in the lossless format it comes very close to CD playback. The LP playback makes it very difficult to concentrate on work.


Doesn't the desk get in the way! Great setup. How much vinyl do you keep at the office? ALso, you forgot to mention your little ipod lost among the cables on the floor.


Nicely done Samuelg. I have a 300b in my home office to. It's hard to get any work done. Some companys will actually let you take a nap. They say it increases productivity. I say put a 300b in there. They will get there before 8, stay after 5 and probably eat lunch in. Now that ought to encrease something. Have fun.


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