
I have made a switch from Thiel CS5i speakers to more efficient speakers. The dynamics of more efficient speakers sound more real/live to me. In addition, there are a lot of excellent lower power amp choices especially with tubes. It's a whole new ballgame!

Room Details

Dimensions: 35’ × 21’  X large
Ceiling: 9’

Components Toggle details

    • PS Audio Perfectwave Memory Transport
    • Mojo Audio EVO B4B DAC
    • Conrad Johnson 17LS2 Preamp
    • Don Sachs DS2 Preamp
    • Synergistic Research Alpha Sterling RCA Interconnects
    • Generic 14 Gauge Speaker Wire
    • First Watt F7
    • Conrad Johnson LP66S
    • Quicksilver Horn Mono amps
    • Klipsch Forte iv's
    • Zu Audio Soul Sixes

Comments 5

Thanks jafant,

I appreciate the comment.

However, I have updated my system but not the details here. Shame on me.

I had spent a lot of time trying to make my Thiel CS5i's sound good by searching for an appropriate amp, preamp, and DAC. After spending a lot of time and money, I still could not get the live sound or soundstage I was seeking.

So...the Thiel's have been sidelined in favor of Klipsch Forte iv's. They smoke the Thiel's for me in terms of dynamics and soundstage. I am a lot closer to a live sound than I was before. 

I am using the same transport, DAC and preamp but am enjoying a new amp, First Watt F7 ,with the Klipsch speakers. It's twenty watts, all in class A, and is a good match with the Forte's as it provides detail and more than enough power.

Hope the Thiel Thread is going strong!



Great room and system.

Happy Listening!


X-ray Vision.


Looks like a really nice well thought out system. I think the carpet over the monitor is an appropriate touch. I assume you throw that up there when listening to music only.


Nice system!


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