
Music with a view.Take 2. Added BAT VK51se. WOW

Components Toggle details

    • Balanced Power Technologies VK 60 SE
    • Mytek Brooklyn Bridge
    • Sonology NAS drive
    • Morrow Audio SP-5
    • Tara Labs RSC Air 1 int
    • Kef LS50 Meta
    I normally have my beloved Celestion SL700se speakers set up in this configuration but the Meta reviews had my curiosity and I purchased a pair. Its a more front-row presentation but I am enjoying how they bring out the details in my music.
    • Balanced Power Technologies VK 51se

Comments 6

hello Markmuse
My room is 13 W x 25 L
I have my couch situated about 10 feet from the speakers in the middle of the room. The Meta's mange to fill the space with abundance. The BAT amp never runs out of juice and can play louder than I care to listen. I have stuffed the rear ports on the Meta's with a little foam to reduce the backward energy and so far everything sounds pristine and un-muddled.


Nice looking system! Question, how big is your room? I ask because I almost bought the Meta's, but bought the Ref 1's instead - partly because my room is kinda big at 25 x 25 ft. I think the Meta's have a more organic sound. Still not sure I made the right decision, especially given the price differential. BTW, I too have a couple of Gallo subs - solid units. Does the BAT give enough juice?


Yes I like the Meta's. They make it easier to discern an abundance of details in the music I listen to. To my ear, the Celestion SL700se's still provide more of a emotional connection to my music, but the Meta's, for now, are a welcome guest in my system.


Nice, simple system...just the way I like it. 

I assume you like your LS50 Meta's.  I have the original LS50's and love 'em.



Thanks for the heads-up about the posting the speakers! I keep the DAC and server behind the glass cubes you see on the bottom right of the photo.


Interesting and nice looking system. I like the earthy feel of the room.
Btw, you forgot to list your speakers. Where is the dac and server kept?
Also it's been a while since I've seen Morrow cables in a system.


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