
I have only owned two systems in my long life. A Harmon Kardon 930A (which I still have) powered a pair of Design Acoustics D6s in my first system, then Magnepan MG1s replaced the DAs. Then the Adcom pair replaced the HK to power the Magnepans. And then

Components Toggle details

    • Adcom GFA-555
    Stock from the factory
    • Adcom GTP-500
    Stock from the factory
    • Bose AM-5 sII
    I can't believe I let my wife talk me into selling my MG1s when she gave me these as a present
    • Revox B-795
    No idea what cartridge is in it
    • Denon DCM - 280
    5 disc carousel for only $200

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Thanks for the response. If I were to pursue the alternative amps, what preamps might you suggest I consider?

Also, I am still open to suggestions on a CD source. I am seeing a few Music Halls in the for sale section at very reasonable prices.



Short term CD solution is now a Denon DCM-280 5 disc carousel ($200). It will probably end up on the Harmon Kardon/Bose secondary system, but at least we have tunes in the house now.


Ordered the Magnepan 1.6s today, should be here in a week or two.

Listened to a Philips universal player ($699), a NAD B342 ($500) and a Creek ($1350) with no discernible difference on the selections we chose.

Suggestions on a CD player?
