
Two years in the making, this is an Audio Note UK based system. Main components and cables are Audio Note UK of the highest level, complemented by a beautiful Dr. Feickert turntable with Kuzma tonearms and Koetsu Rosewood Signature Platinum, one stereo and one mono. The ear phono amp works with the mono cartridge while the stereo one works with the phonostage in the Meishu Tonemeister Phono Silver Signature integrated amp, one of the best phono stages I've heard. Power cables are mainly Shunyata, Isolation is HRS rack and Townshed isolation platforms for the speakers and some room treatment makes this pieces sing hours and hours at a time. CAD ground control should be a piece in any system. It makes it clearer, wider and deeper soundstage and instrument separation. PS Audio Power Plant provide clean electricity. All components (But turntable and streamer) are tube based, and use a collection of NOS tubes, Telefunken, Mazda  Tonemeister Phono Silver Signatureand Amperex. The Meishu amp is powered by the great 300B tubes made for Audio Note, the 4300E.

Components Toggle details

    • Audio Note UK Meishu Phono Tonemeister Silver Signature
    Integrated Amplifier
    • Dr Feickert Blackbird
    • Kuzma Stabi VTA
    • Koetsu Rosewood Signature Platinum and Rosewood Signature
    Cartridges, one for Stereo and one for Mono
    • Audio Note UK CD-5
    CD Player
    • Audio Note UK DAC 4.1x Balanced
    • HiFi Rose 150B
    Dac/Streamer used only as a streamer
    • Audio Note UK AN-E SPX HE ALNICO
    • CAD Ground Control G1
    • EAR Phono Classic
    Phonostage for the mono cartridge
    • Synthesis Roma 41+
    Headphone Amp
    • HiFiman 1000 SE
    • HRS Rack
    Rack with isolated platforms for each component
    • Touwnsend Isolation Platforms
    For Speakers
    • Audio Note UK SOTO, SOGON RCA interconnects
    • Audio Note UK Isis Speaker Cables
    • Shunyata Alpha V2 NR
    Power Cables

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Another update, the Koetsu Rosewood Signature has been changed to Koetsu Rosewood Signature Platinum. Highly recommended to any KRS owner. Preparing to make the move for the Mono as well....


Just updated the system to include the new speakers, Audio Note-E SPX HE Alnico. All I can say is wow....


The HRS is model RXR-1921-3T3 with the 1921 isolation bases but the one for the Turntable. That base is the R3X. I believe the rack is no longer in production.


Hi Durbun,
Finish is Apple.


Hi Jumia,
The CAD ground control is not electrical grounding. I invite you to visit their website to understand the technology involved, but is opens the Soundstage, wide and depth, instrument separation and base clarity. It is incredible. 
The PS Audio Power plant basically converts the AC current into DC current and them back to AC, but since it is regenerated it is clean of noise.


Hi Jond, 
The CD-5 is not a transport, It is the top of the line CD Player available in the Audio Note UK line. It sound fantastic. Only improvement I made is NOS Tubes in the output stage, Telefunken and Tungsol. The difference was huge. It is still about 100 hours, has ways to go.
The DAC 4.1x Balanced used the HiFi Rose 150B as a streamer. I like the combination but not 100% sold. Also about 150 hours, NOS Tubes in, will see with time. 
Anyways I mainly play Vinyl and Cd's, streaming is to explore mostly.


Hi Jond, 
The CD-5 is not a transport, It is the top of the line CD Player available in the Audio Note UK line. It sound fantastic. Only improvement I made is NOS Tubes in the output stage, Telefunken and Tungsol. The difference was huge. It is still about 100 hours, has ways to go.
The DAC 4.1x Balanced used the HiFi Rose 150B as a streamer. I like the combination but not 100% sold. Also about 150 hours, NOS Tubes in, will see with time. 
Anyways I mainly play Vinyl and Cd's, streaming is to explore mostly.
