
My room is 11 by 21 by 10, which is not ideal but with the right components and room treatments (especially room treatments) the music can really "lock in". I use Corner, Echo and Bass Busters in their appropriate locations.

I use three sets of speakers...the MMGs, Totem Model 1s with Storm sub or an older pair of B&Ws, depending on the type of music I'm in the mood for. All three sound great in my room but "different great". I use the Creek as a preamp when I fire up the Heath monos or my Outlaw M200s, which I purchased to match with the MMGs.

I'm just beginning to explore music using a music server (actually a Windows based computer or two). I'm playing with a desktop system running Windows XP through a DAC via S/PDIF out to the Creek and a laptop running Windows 7 through another DAC (Jolida Glass FX) via USB. Results are interesting so far. We'll see...

I'm in the process of updating my photos. A few more will be coming soon.

Components Toggle details

    • Creek 5350SE
    Great sound and a good match with both sets of speakers.
    • Outlaw M-200 Monoblocks
    They drive the MMGs
    • Heath W6A (modified)
    I've discovered this is a heavily-modified pair of Heath W6A mono amps with 70 wpc.
    • Music Hall MMF-7
    My main turntable with Goldring cart.
    • Linn Axis
    with Basik tonearm and AT cart. The 'table to use for Record Show finds.
    • Oppo BDP-93
    Great universal player
    • Magnepan MMG
    A whole 'nother kind of good sound.
    • Totem Model 1s
    The one constant in my ever-changing system. Over 10-years old and sound the best they ever have.
    • Totem Storm
    Perfect for my Model 1s and smaller spaces.
    • Jolida JD9
    No frills...great sounding phono preamp. Used with my MMF-7.
    • Bellari VP129
    Used with my Linn Axis.
    • Nitty Gritty 1.5fi
    I clean all my vinyl with this, both used and new, with a homemade solution.
    • Various Echo Busters
    Corner Busters, Bass Busters and Echo Busters. In an 11 by 21 room they are required. It makes a "not so ideal" room ideal.
    • Signal Speaker & Interconnects (Ultra)
    I've decided on Signal cables and interconnects throughout.

Comments 29

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Darren, buy the best speakers you can afford and then start auditioning for amps, pre-amos, and sources ... and lastly cabling. Try out different brands within your budget, read up online on some of these from their owners, take professional reviews with a large grain of salt. And soon you'll have a satisfying rig to YOUR ears.

Good luck!


David, I'm a newcomer to vinyl ... recently converted! Well it took half of 2007, but when it finally hit me, it hit me hard. OK, not 100% true, I did have some vinyl from the 70s/80s, about 20 LPs or so. You know, in my parents attic for the past 20+ years. But man, it didn't sound nearly as good as today. Granted my rig today is better than what I had when I was 16, or on my parents Dual (an old European brand).

Anyway, Velvet Underground, heard many good things about their music, one of the great bands back then. Have to start looking around for some of their vinyl. Now that I've turned analog, digital sounds sort of bland to me, even my current Emmlabs CDSA sounds bleak when comparing same recordings. I have a lot of great digital too though, and I do like the splendid dynamics and dead silent silences (orchestral). But its nothing like great vinyl.

If you're ever in my nick of the woods ...


David, that's a great record cover (the green one with what seems like some
woman's behind...) on the picture next to your cleaning station, can you share
what record that is?

Glad you are enjoying your vinyl... I'm getting totally immersed too!


Walt, I know what you mean by letting it cook for a while. The upgrade bug is hard to shake though. I hope your room worked out for you. I see you placed yourself on the length, while my setup is more constrained by the design of the room (entrances on each side). I was wondering which of your turntables you prefer, or what each does for you.

PS: what cd-rack system are you using?
