
The Bad habit!! So far this is what I call the Slab A Audio Research Ref II Mk II preamp that feeds through some Zu Audio Varial XLR cables to a pair of McIntosh MC-501 amps. For a CD player there’s a Cary CD 303/300 with Audioquest Cheetah cables hooking it to the preamp. The CD player has a pair of Amperex Bugle Boy 7316 tubes in it right now. I have tried various 12AU7’s lately, but these seem the best. Overall I like the Amperex sound best. The 7316 sounds a little cleaner and has extended bass over the 12AU7 Bugle Boy. The Mullard long plate has a killer sounding sound stage as well in the CD player, but I seem to like the Amperex warmer midrange. The Mullurds sound a little thin compared to Bugle Boys, but they are very smooth and probably more accurate in their sound. Also I’m trying the Brimar long plate 13d5 industrial version of the 12AU7. I didn’t give the Brimars’ enough playing time. So far the 7317 Amperex Bugle Boy tops my favorite tube in the CD player.

I just upgraded again with various things from cables to tubes to speakers to stands. I’m just breaking in a pair of Zu Audio Definition MK II’s. They replaced a pair of Vandersteen 3A Signatures. The Zu’s are an amazing speaker. I’m working on setting them up but they are extremely detailed and efficient. Their reproduction of the human voice, electric guitar (just to name a few things) and midrange is amazing!!

All this to play Rock N Roll and some Jazz and other stuff too

If you have comments, suggestions or questions, pleas let me know

Components Toggle details

    • Cary Audio Design 303/300
    CD 303/300 Tube/Solide St Output
    • Audio Research REF-2 mkII
    • Anthem AVM 30
    Still trying it out.
    • McIntosh MC-501
    Mono's, Left & Right
    • Parasound HCA-2101A
    3 mono Blocks: Center, L&R Suround
    • AudioQuest Cheeta XLR
    • AdioQuest Panther
    2M XLR, Pre to Amps
    • AudioQuest Cobra
    RCA, Subwoofer
    • Cardas CrossLink
    RCA: EQ, Tape Deck, Processor
    • Alpha-Core MI-2
    4' Bi-Amp
    • Oyaide P-079
    P-079/C-079, Custom Cables By Me. Pre-Belden 12AWGX3 SH. CD Belden 14AWGX3 SH. Amps & Power Strips, 10 AWG Fine Strand Braided By Me and Covered W/Tech-Flex.
    • Adcom GFT-555
    It's Old But In Top Shape
    • Velodyne ULD-15 mkII
    Great Old Sub: Down Fire, 38 lb Magnet.
    • Klipsch Academy
    Center: 2 8
    • Boston Acoustics CR-6
    Surounds. Not A Bad Little Speaker!
    • Denon DVD-3910
    Not bad, bought from audiogon, along with AVM 30
    • Soundanchors AMP & Audio Rack
    6 Shelf Audio Rack & Custom made stands for MC-501. HEAVY
    • RCA 12AU7 Clear Top
    Vintage Clear top tubes. Nice sound. Used in my CD Player. May try something different
    • Porter Ports 20A Hubbell
    3 Cyro'd Outlets.
    • Shunyata Research Hydra 8
    8 Cryo'd Hubbell outlets non current limiting
    • Shunyata Python Alpha
    Powers the Hydra 8
    • Zu Audio Deffinition MK II
    Full range with 2 10
    • Amperex Bugle Boy 12AU7 ECC82
    WOW, couldn't believe how these sounded in the Cary CD-Player. Mid's treble so lush and sweet. Great soundstage!!
    • Amperex Bugle Boy 7316 SQ
    Industrial Grade special quality version of the 12AU7. GET SOME!! Beautiful sounding tubes!!
    • Zu Audio Varial
    3M XLR Silver B3 cable...

Comments 18

Hi Scott,
Thanks for the info on the colour combo - I can imagine that it comes off even better in the flesh.

Re: tubes and Zus, whoever warned you were right. The local Zu dealer carries Almarro, Rogue, and Melody and all sound very nice with the Defs. The Almarro A318B and the Rogue M150 mono blocks sounded especially fantastic with the Defs; not to mention all the other Zus. I've been told the two different Audio Mirror Amps (running Russian tubes) at 20 and 45W/channel in Class A sound wonderful as well and are not too expensive. Dare I say that my new very own parallel single ended 20 watt monos from Triode Corp would likely fare very too.

If I had the big Zus, the Rogue M150s would certainly on the short list and be given serious consideration - they put out some serious power that exhibits great detail, rock solid bass, and superb 3D sound staging for very reasonable $$.

The beauty of the Def 2s is load of choices you have tube amp-wise ranging from 2W/channel amp Yamamatos to something like monster Rogue Zus @ 225W/channel. It all depends on what you’re looking for and you're fortunate that the Def2 sensitivity makes this possible. I suspect you'll be one busy man for the next few months.

Enjoy your new beauties.



Hi Garry,

Thanks for the comments. Yes I have been busy of late. Seem my new bad habit is collecting vintage tubes. Trying to get it all burned in now. Sounds like you like your tones. The Def's sound very nice. They're mid range is like nothing I've heard so far. It was quite a different sound to what I had before. The defs have me thinking of some tube amps to try... I was warned that would happen. Any comments there?

I heard the Def Pro before. The MK II seems to have rifined the treble a bit. I can't really compare the two beyond that because I didn't have the earlier model in my listing area.

Yes that is a custom color. I'm glad you like it. It took a lot of looking before I came on that choice. The camera does it no justice. That's a camera effect on the photo with the pink walls. The color is a 2 stage of PPG paints. A base coat of Red Pearl (PPG # 75636) than covered with Wine Red (PPG # 75638). They look great in the room and adds a nice contrast color. In the light with the aluminum rings and black base they look very nice. I'm pleased with the color combo. Thanks for the compliment.

Take Care



Hi Scott,

Scott's got a bad habit . . . but great taste. Wonderful system and seems like you've been busy of late. The new Zus look especially tasty - really lovely colour. No doubt, sound nice as well. I've got the Tones and just love them. The Defs are among my favourite speakers though I've not yet heard the MK2 . . . perhaps soon though.

Enjoy your new kit.


PS - Is that a custom colour on the MK2s? If so, can you advise what it's called? I may engage in a little intellectual/creative theft in the future ;)


System edited: I have updated my system. I have added things from tubes, cables, stands, power outlets and speakers. I can say everything made a change. I have rolled a lot of 12AU7’s through my CD player and have some interesting comments in my updated system description. My favorites are the Bugle Boys. Though the Mullard Long Plates are AWESOME TOO, but the 7316 Amperex Bugle Boy so far tops my list of tubes. Added some Zu Audio cables and speakers. The Varial XLR cables are very nice with great bass and detail. I felt they lacked the mid range depth of the Audioquest Panther XLR’s I was using but the Varials need to burn it. I’ll try the Panthers after awhile and see if I feel the same way. The Speakers…. WOW. Not enough time or space to go into it. Man these things are efficient and sensitive!!! A good or bad thing?? Sometimes yes sometimes no. They reproduce the human voice, or sax and electric guitar like nothing I’ve heard yet!! Incredible. The human voice can make the room rattle. Their attack, speed and detail add the impact of live music. My amps at only 5 watts are all it takes to fill the room with more than enough loudness. They make the McIntosh MC-501’s overkill at this point. The Detail and imaging has depth and has to be heard to see if it is to your liking… But that sensitivity brings out the worst in things as well. You hear everything… Like hiss in the recordings. Very sensitive and detailed. On good recordings it’s awesome. The CD by Tool labeled Undertow cranked up is unbelievable. It’s so dynamic that you think you’re over powering the speakers but you’re only putting out 50 watts to them. Pounding out 500 watts you think you’re at the concert! Added some Sound Anchors. Rack and amp stands. Very heavy and well made stuff. Scott


Yeah my folks think I'm nuts. I told my dad I got a good deal on some early 60's vintage RCA 12AU7 cleartop tubes for $55.00. He couldn't believe it. He said "I threw away tons of that crap". But I enjoy my stereo I just need to improve my power lines now. Thanks for the comment, I really just love that ARC Preamp. The more other stuff I hear in dealers set up sound rooms, and then I listen to that preamp in just a living room, and just say MAN!! I like it even more. The Mac's are great. To tell you the truth I always thought mac stuff would be laid back and muffled sounding. Never had really heard them before but figured that's how they would sound. I always liked the way their stuff looked and how it was made. But I was wrong about the sound. They are nice amps, and I'm happy with them. Just bought some sound anchors for them. Hope I like them.


You do have a habit, but as the song goes "if loving you is wrong, I don't want to be right." Nice system, can not blame you for wanting to hold on to the ARC and the Mac's


I just added a few more things and am going to remove some stuff from my system for space and use issues. I just bought a Hydra 8 and a sound anchor stand off of audiogon. I also bought new soundanchor stands for my mac's. Also see my thread on power cables, check it out and tell me what you think. Going to remove my tape deck (never uses it), already removed the EQ. Looking at a 61" Samsung DLP. Anyone have experience with samsung? They used to be a cheap TV, but I was impressed by the picture. I still want to hear some Focus HD's. Listened some Quatros yesterday and wasn't real impressed from all the hype I've heard about them. No BASS!! Modding my power right now and thinking of making up some VH Audio DIY Flavor 4,2 and 1 cables for my equipment. What power cord for my Hydra, Python?? VH flavor 4. Opinions please.


Walt, I would have to hear some Magneplanar's, I'm a little skeptical of the bass they can reproduce. I did listen to some Martin Logan Summit's when I auditioned my McIntosh amps and was impressed. But at close to $12,000 I want to audition some other options. I'm very happy with the Vandie's and like their sound. It's just I like to play it loud and try to keep the volume to a point where I won't damage them. As for the Preamp I'll search and look online at them, but I don't find myself parting with my Audio Research anytime soon. I love the sound of it. When I auditioned my amps, nothing compared to my Ref II MK II. The thing just sounds amazing. Thanks for your comments. Do you have any opinions on power conditioners?? Looking at a Hydra, Hydra 8, Richard Gray or a BPT 3.5 sig.



sgsoundnut, First of all, I'd replace the speakers with Magneplanar 3.6's. I've compared them to the Vandersteens and they sound better in every way. Also, with respect to a preamp, there is simply not a better preamp for the money than the Supratek Chenin tube preamp, bar none. It sounds GLORIOUS, period. It has a phono stage that is awesome, and it also has a by-pass feature. It sells for $2900 new. I have one working in conjunction with my Maggie 1.6's and am astonished with the improvement.



System edited: Just made some changes, new purchases off of audogon. A AVM 30, and a DVD 30. Still trying it all out. The Cary CD player is excellent. Bought that last Christmas. Tell me what you think or opinions. I need to upgrade my power. I am going to add dedicated 20A circuits with 10 AWG wire. Looking for opinions on power conditioners. Richard Gray, Shunyata, BPT??? Looking at those brands and want opinions please. Also a new rack. Something strong with 6 to seven shelves. I have something in mind but whould like some other opinions. I have Video and two channel in one system, so there's lots of stuff to hold and power. Thanks..... Scott


The Focus 20/20's easily handle everything from pipe organ and full symphony all the way through jazz, trance, techno, rock (Queensryche, Rush, Joe Satriani's great guitar work, many others) Japanese, Chinese and Korean drumming (Ondekoza, Kim Hok Man, etc...) with an amazing personality that holds up and makes each type of music sound like the Legacy's were designed to play just that.

I drive them with an Edge NL 12.1 and truthfully, I've never found a point where they distort no matter the volume. That stated I've never found their volume limit either. They have this great trait wherein they resolve
very well at lower volumes and just sound even more full and encompassing at higher volumes. They work well at 6, 7, 8 and 10 ft centers with the right toe-in and listening position. The transient behavior has the right edge, decay, etc......

Human voices, tenor & alto sax + other woodwinds, trumpets, french horn, timpani, bass drums, etc....all sound like they belong on this speaker and are amazingly natural.

The soundstage (with the right gear and material) extends 6-8 ft to the left and right of the L/R speakers respectively while still have X, Y, Z axis imaging

They like a substantial speaker cable, preference is for biwire at the very least. Copper speaker cables seem to
work their best on this when the copper is of very good quality.

Email me any time (UID Zephy24069); I have just placed an
order for a set of Focus 2007 HD's to compliment the 20/20's in my home theater.



Thanks for the response. I have heard the Dali's and liked their sound. The Vandersteens, in my opinion sound very good. They make good bass, but they just aren't made to play loud. I like Legacy's add for the Focus.. It says turn them up..LOL in so many words. How do the Legacy's sound with the human voice and female vocals? How's the midrange and treble. I know they must make bass by their compliment of bass drivers. The vandersteens sound great with accustic music... How about the Focus?? I will email you (Zephyr24069) when I get a chance. Thanks.


The Dali and Legacy are recommended for rock. They have tremendous bass response and can play very loud. Phil Brady.


I own Legacy Focus 20/20's, Silver Screen, MIST and Victoria LE. Contact me via email (userID Zephyr24069)
and we can hook up and talk about the Focus 20/20's.

They're great speakers and I'd be happy to describe them in detail over a wide variety of music...



Thanks, Your probably right about analog sounding the best. I'll check them out. I would be interested in hearing vinyl on my system. I would think that is where my preamp would really shine. Something I will consider in my upgrade path. Right now I'm looking at AC power upgrades. Was wondering about Richard Gray stuff but a reveiw I read didn't reccomend them?? May still look into their 220-240V Substation (Isolation X-Former) and run a 220V 20A line in. I like the idea of stepping 240V down to 120V = Double the current available out. Any advice on pure incoming power out there?


Getting into vinyl can be a tall order,but it is worth it.
Personally,I hate cleaning records and got out of it for a while because of that.But after trying to go digital only again I realized that it just wouldn't work for me.There is something special about an analogue chain and the music coming from the grooves that I don't think any digital will ever completely capture.
A good place to start would be with the Rega turntables.They seem to set a bench mark for high value, and ease of set- up and use, analogue.As I see it,you can't go wrong with any of their models.Or you can go downstream a bit to something like a Project or Music Hall and give it a try for even less green.If you are more ambitious and certain of your interest in vinyl,You could look for something like a Nottingham Space Deck,which is simplicity itself,reliable and will out perform many more expensive and complicated decks.
I woul suggest you try to find a dealer who could demo a couple of different set ups for you,but with no commitment to buy.
If you find something you like see if you can get it for a song on the 'gon and then buy your cartridge from the dealer and get him to set up the whole thing for you,maybe for an additional small fee.
In any case,something to think about.


Yes I have. Although I don't have a big LP library, but I have friends with lots of vinyl. I tried hooking up my turntable but it looks like the AR Ref II doesn't have a Phono section in it. I thought it did. I will most likely add a phono preamp and look into a good turntable. Any suggestions? I'm just a working guy so I try yo find a good deal if I can. Thanks for the response.


Looks like you've got more than "a start" on a great high end system.
But I have to ask,have you considered getting into vinyl in addition to digital ?
Especially with rock music (which is what I listen to mostly,also)it really can't be beat.
Wish I could help with the speakers you mentioned,but I've never heard them personally.


Showing all 18 posts