
Transport - Apple Mac Mini with 2 x 500GB HDD, 600+ CDs in original format (WAV)

CD Player / DAC - Quad CDP-2 (Mac Mini digital optical Tosslink output is connected to Opt2 Tosslink input of Quad CDP-2)

Pre-amplifier - Krell KRC-3

Power amplifier - 2 x Quad 909 in vertical bi-amping configuration

Speakers - Neat Acoustics Motive 1

FM Tuner - Kenwood KT-5020 one of the understated but excellent Kenwood designs

This system sounds very musical and without digital artifacts.

Components Toggle details

    • Apple Mac Mini
    Apple Mac Mini, 2 x 500GB hard drive, 6500 songs original WAV uncompressed format
    • Quad U S A CDP-2
    Quad CDP-2, CD player, DAC
    • Krell KRC-3
    one of the best solid-state pre amps
    • Quad U S A 909
    current dumping solid state design
    • Neat Acoustics Motive 1
    Neat Motive range top model
    • Kenwood KT-5020
    one of the top 10 fm tuners ever built according to we site.

Comments 6

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Hi Blotto
yes I started using Quad 99 as pre. I still have it and use it in my living room setup - Quad 305/99 combo, Monitor Audio R90 bookshelves)

I believe Krell KRC-3 is a great pre on a used market. I am not missing tilt because in my room with Quad 909s and Neats I have never felt the need to 'correct' the sound.


Hi Bruce30
yes I believe that Quad L / L2 series would sound as good as my Neats with Quad 909s. I may well decide to buy 4 Quad 11L Actives (powered version) once I decide to build Home Theather in my basement (one day when kids grow up and depart basement ;-)

Haven't heard any of the L series unfortunatelly. I have heard that original L series might sound even nicer than L2 (which is very good in its own right, but may sound little bit brighter to some ears, although not fatiguing or something like that). No dealers that were close are selling them (L / L2) here in Ontario.

However the Neats I have matched with power amps are really an excellent match with Quad power amps and Quad CDP2 - which is in fact having an excellent DAC built-in for the S/PDIF / Tosslink output of my Mac Mini. Very non-digital sounding set-up, even with computer as a source. Amazing - never expected such result but I believe that there are reasons for it to be better than CD player.

Now Neats are known for their coherency across the whole product range (budget and high end ones) and Quad 909s are very strong in the midrange. They match nicelly. Not sure if you know but there is saying out there that both Quad power amps and neat speakers are more made for musicians and music lovers rather than hard core hi-fi devotees...

If I had more money I would go for more expensive Neats even but I am happy listener now.

Amazingly haven't used CDP2 as a CD in almost a year ;-)


Hi Garryh
thanks. I forgot what rack is that. Will drop by the dealer who sold it to me and ask. However right now they are doing renovation.

