
yea i know its not complete without cables, interconnects, power cords. there are lots of good ones out there ,and thats the easiest part. no turntable as of yet. the previous 2 playboy paradise systems were designed without research. yea i have not heard these either. and its so true in this hobby "hearing is believing",but as for the 3 JADIS ,i don't need to hear i have the faith. i went with the jadis cdp instead of the audio aero CAPITOLE so as to keep within a reasonable budget. spent a bunch on the sensuous DA60 DELUXE. as for speakers i had to choose between the QUAD988 or these AMBIENCE. again i have the hunch these AMBIENCE will deliver better overall.i'm on my way to austin in 2 weeks to hear them. then off to phoenix to hear the QUADS.if these aren't worth $6k i'm going to save $4k and get the recommened VMPS RM1

Components Toggle details

    • Jadis DP-60
    with mc, hybrid
    • Jadis DA-60 deluxe
    • Jadis Orchestra CD
    • VMPS RM40

Comments 3

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Wow, beautiful system isn't Miss Jadis? I have a cute little Miss France myself. Her name is Kora.
