

Components Toggle details

    • APL Hi-Fi re-designed Denon 2900 w/ ECC99 tube & 32 bit DAC board
    This unique SE Class A design has a 211KHz upsampling, a hybrid attenuator and a total of 2 components on the entire signal path from the DAC outputs to the line output.
    • Elrod Power Systems EPS2 Signature
    These cables are targeted towards low-amperage components like CD players and pre-amplifiers. Smooth, eloquent, and refined.
    • Finite Elemente Cerapucss
    isolation devices
    • APL Hi-Fi UA-S1
    Hybrid amplifier with single tube voltage gain stage using two ECC99 triodes with a zero-gain and no-feedback bipolar power buffer. The absolute best amplifier I've ever heard.
    • APL Hi-Fi UA-S1-inside
    Here's a look inside...
    • DNM terminated with Eichmann Bullets
    The most amazing sounding copper I've ever heard, teminated with Eichmann silver bullets.
    • Elrod Power Systems EPS3 Signature
    These cables are targeted towards high-amperage components like large amplifiers.
    • Finite Elemente Cerapucs
    Designed for direct coupling for defined contact with components weighing up to 500 pounds, the Cerapuc's high-tech ceramic ball does all the work to reduce resonances. Along with a precision machined stainless steel base and height-adjustable top section for achieving correct damping the Cerapuc achieves better resolution, better soundstage, better dynamics and better musicality with no resonance build-up, overdamping, or loss of detail. Worth evey single penny!
    • gold tip toes
    brass and gold cones and feet
    • Isoclean 105F II
    • Isoclean 105F II Power Bar with Audio Grade Noise Filter • Copper Chassis • 4 Outlets • EMI Noise Isolation • Rhodium and 24K Gold Plated Sockets • 100% Hand Made • Resting on Finite Elemente Ceraballs
    • Elrod EPS 3 Signature
    This is David's latest version with 004 Oyaide connectors.
    • Oyaide R-1
    Oyaide's state of the art receptacle, the 20A rated R1.
    These start with a base of Beryllium, which is highly polished (twice), upon which layer of Palladium is laid down (and polished twice), on which a layer of Platinum is laid over (and polished twice).
    • DNM Precision Solid Core
    Advanced characterisation methods were developed to design the magnetic performance and to provide a balanced capacitance, inductance and resistance - factors that, when correctly aligned, can improve the amplifier's sound quality.
    • Totem Acoustics Hawk
    The Hawk exemplifies total involvement with all your senses. Truly full range, extremely compact and aesthetically balanced, it has incredible attributes and strengths that will guide you like no other. Detail, continuity, harmonic nuances, timbre, precision and it's self effacing holography all point to an experience that will never cease to amaze and involve you. Frequency Response 35 Hz to 21 kHz ± 3 dB 29 Hz to 21 kHz ± 5 dB (with proper placement) Impedance 6 ohms Sensitivity 86 dB Power 120 W max. Crossover 2.5 kHz 1st order compensated Woofer 5 1/2” Special extreme long throw Non-resonant cone and dust cap Dynamic linear suspension for maximum airflow Patented magnet system Tweeter 1” alloy dome Flexible linear suspension Special low resonance chambered unit Max SPL's In average room (4 m x 6 m 107 dB peak from pair at 2 m Dimensions w 6.75 x d 9.5 x h 36w 170 x d 245 x h 910
    • DIY X-2000
    Lots of power!
    • GIK Acoustics 242's & Tri-Traps
    The GIK 242 Acoustic Panels have absorption from 4000Hz down to 250Hz. The Tri-Trap has been effectively designed to absorb more low end, but also does an excellent job of absorbing the high end, creating smooth sound absorption from 50 Hz to 5000 Hz. I have one Tri-Trap in each of the front corners, one 242 behind the listening position and one 242 on each side at the first reflection points.
    • Onix ERT

Comments 117

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System edited: I'm breaking in the new Elrod Signature 3 right now. This is the latest version, with 004 Oyaide connectors. So far it sounds better out of the box than the other Elrod cables have did. Now I just have a few hundred hours to go...


System edited: I've been thinking about trying some super tweeters for about five years now. These are very cool. They do a lot for something you can't even hear... more air, better bass response and a great help for the mid-range. They seem to make the sound more natural and relaxed.


System edited: The addition of the GIK products has been amazing! The people at GIK are great to deal with and their products are extremely effective.


System edited: I think I'm pretty much done with this system now. I may consider different speakers, but that's about it.


System edited: Added some new pix and updated a couple descriptions. I can't seem to edit my system pix for some reason?


System edited: This DNM stuff just blows my mind!


Sorry if I sounded snarky on that reply... I've just sort of had it with the whole PC battle "conversations". While it's true that Alex has been a long time proponent of silver in Teflon, I think he has something new that he's discovered he likes even more now. I will leave that announcement to him though. I did listen to the amp with his silver PC and liked it very much, but that amp was a different iteration, so a direct comparison to what I have has not been made yet. My guess is that your statement will sound excellent and quite full!


I haven't compared the stock cord to the Elrod on this amp. I have done lengthy comparisons between the Elrods, stock, various Shunyata and VH Audio cables on other equipment though. I found what I enjoy listening to most. I'd elaborate, but I'd rather not get into another on-line PC debate. Suffice to say that I really like the over-all sound derived from the Elrod cables. They seem to expand all frequencies and still sound very natural and musical. Whichever way you go with PC's, I'm sure you'll be extremely happy with this amp... I've finally reached that point where it's just music, with-out artifact, that seems to come from people and instruments, not speakers and electronic equipment.


System edited: This new amp is seriously amazing! I am finally starting to realize what this excellent player and speakers are capable of.


System edited: added some new tunes to the play list


Hey Ethanh,

The speakers are 2.5' from the rear wall, so the bass is solid and clear. There's 7' between tweeters and 8' to the listening possition. This has proven to be the best possition for the speakers in this room. I wound up with the Hawks after making a trade for a pair of Model 1 Signatures. They were really enjoyable to listen to, but like you: I wanted a little more. I didn't feel that my room was big enough for the Forests, so I went with the Hawks. 40 watts seems to be ample power to drive them. I've been very happy with them.


i'm glad everyone is enjoying the tunes! that is what it's all about after all... right?


Hey Audiobroke,

Thanks for happy comments. I think you'll really like the Hawks. Those laser-cut Scanspeak drivers are hard to beat. After trying Zoethecus pods, blood wood blocks, cement pavers and a few other things under the speakers, I made the plinths with Mapleshade air dried maple, Audio Points 1.5 threaded brass cones and threaded inserts. They really improved the imaging and bass most. I'm thinking about trying a set of the AV123 Extended Response Tweeters on top next... always playing with something!


System edited: i've found something to provide a little more juice for the system.


System edited: These new Herbies dampers have as much improvement as going from no dampers to using the old Teflon models... they're very good across the spectrum. There's a huge improvement in the noise floor, which reveals more low level detail, better transients and improved bass control.


System edited: can you hear it?


System edited: added some tunes in here.


System edited: I finally finished making my speaker plinths. After much r&d, I wound up with air dried maple from Mapleshade and I installed threaded inserts for the Audio Point 1.5 cones. This has turned out to be a much bigger improvement than I thought I would achieve.


are you talking about the dampers? if so, then yes, they do work very well. the effect can differ from tube to tube so ymmv. i've noticed more improvement from the smaller tubes than the outputs, but the improvement in my system has been excellent. helping tame that last bit of microphonics even in the 6H30 in my cdp has improved timbre, tonal balance and allowed more detail to come through due to the blacker background. even if you're concerned about them not working well for you, steve is very easy to work with and he has a great return policy if you're not pleased with the results.


System edited: Here's a few new pix. I added a pair of air dried maple plinths from Mapleshade. I've got some 2.5 Audiopoints to install, but I'm already very impressed with the sound these provide.


System edited: I was just about to ditch my Mapleshade speaker cables, thinking that they were the culprit in the system's problems with a smaller soundstage and a lack of air... I swapped the cement pavers under the speakers out for some blood wood blocks and man, what a surprize! The imaging has improved as well as better PRAT. I just saved myself a bunch of money and frustration.


System edited: I just added the 3.9uf Mundorf Silver/Oil caps today. While they still have a long way to break-in, I'm very impressed with their fullness and improved impact across the spectrum.


System edited: new pix


System edited: I finally decided to get another set of the cerapucs to put under my player. They add more air, more inner detail, better imaging and much better transients as compared to the ceraballs, which I think were at their weight limit under this player.


System edited: I finally put the SWO-XXX Ultimo back in the system, after four months of break-in... Wow! When I first placed this receptacle in the system, I didn't like it at all. It's presentation was tight, closed in, lacked bass to the point of animia and it was very bright on top. Well, I'm very pleased to say that that has changed completely. This piece is super transparent, very dynamic and it seems to allow even more information to come from my system. It also would seem to be a perfect synergistic match with the Elrod a/c cables.


System edited: The Elrod Signatures are settling in nicely. Even out of the box, they're very nice to listen too, although a little closed in. Now they've got some hours on them and they're really starting to open up. The bass is very hefty and well articulated. The mids are well defined and natural and the highs are detailed yet soft... nice to listen to all day and night. One of the largest improvements over what I was using before (VH Audio Airsine & Flavor 4's) is the spacial soundstage and deliniation of instuments. The imaging is much better from top to bottom as well as from side to side. I'm very happy with these cables and am now starting to think about the Statements...


System edited: The Elrod stuff is really sounding amazing. So far; deeper sound stage, better delineation between instuments, increased dynamics, stronger bass... more to come.


System edited: The Elrod stuff isn't broken in yet, so no comment yet.


System edited: It will be a while before the EPS3 Signature is in the system... I can hardly wait to hear it!


System edited: Isoclean... what can I say? If you've never heard any of these products in your system, you should. I have no affiliation with Isoclean, just a happy user.


System edited: Sold the BPT and added the Isoclean 105F-II. Wow! Increased resolution, more relaxed presentation, more air, better micro dynamics, very clearly defined sound stage... a really great upgrade.


i've got about 120 hours on them now. an asylum inmate/friend of mine came over for a listen today. we were stunned at how good the system sounds now. i've worked long and hard to get as much as possible from the other components and now you can really hear that. the hawks are very transparent and natural. the sound stage is very three dimensional and imaging is as good as i've heard. they do indeed go very deep into the 30's and the highs sound crisp, without being edgy. i'm really liking them a lot!


System edited: I went for the Hawks and I couldn't be happier. While I'm still breaking them in, they seem to have exactly what I was looking for as far as bass extension, great midrange, smooth natural highs etc... I was hoping for the Model 1 Signatures with a little more, and I got it.


hey millikeith,

you're welcome and thank you x3. the flavor 4's replaced a shunyata diamondback on my amp and a tg audio 688 on my player. while the diamondback and the 688 are both nice cables, the flavor 4's are much more nuetral. they present more air, punchier and more detailed bass and more relaxed natural sounding mids. after the addition of the airsine on the bpt, the whole system seems to have just fallen right into place. the halos are great. they alieviate micro distortions accross the sound spectrum, giving a much cleaner, more detailed sound.


well, that sounds like what i'm looking for. my hawks should be here next week, so i'll start there. i've never been so nervous about selling any audio equipment as i was about selling the model 1 sigs. in fact, i kept the stands just in case...


System edited: I now have no speakers. I think i'm going to pick up a pair of Totem Hawks... any suggestions?


System edited: i made a substantial improvement today that will piss off all the a/c cable opponents... i moved the airsine to the bpt unit and put a flavor 4 on the cdp. the noise floor dropped, i gained more detail, air and more bass punch.


System edited: Since my last update I’ve added the Cerrapucs and the Airsine. I am now reconsidering my thoughts about getting into the floor standers. The improvements in dynamics, micro-dynamics, inner detail, clean bass, bass detail, soundstage and imaging is absolutely incredible. I've never been happier with my system... in over 20 years in this hobby. While listening, I had to remind myself to listen to the equipment instead of just enjoying the music.


System edited: The Dynaudio 1.3 MkII's are for sale... $1250 o.b.o.


i didn't compare the two. i do like them very much though. they're very nuetral and open. there's not much to my system anymore... just the player, the amp, one pair of interconnects, a pair of speaker cables and the speakers so believe me when i say i can hear everything in the system. for $300 i haven't heard much that would compare favorably.


System edited: I think I'm going to try some floor standers next. I've got my eye on a pair of Totem Hawks... any thoughts?


System edited: i'm really liking the moel 1 sigs. they're very accurate and detailed without being fatiguing. they've got great PRAT and are just plain fun to listen to. i am missing the bass extension of my dyns a little, so i'm thinking about trying out the hawks or even the forests.


System edited: the ceraballs are truly amazing! the cerapucks are even better, but are also three times as much. they're next on my list though. then it'll be cerabases under my rack.


System edited: i finally broke down and sent my amp board to jeff at sonic craft for a full check-up. i just hit a wall and felt the need for some professional help. i can't wait for it's return. i'll post some pix when it arrives, then it's back into the chassis for some break-in time... uggggh!


System edited: i've been focusing on tuning the amp. i just put in the third edition of cathode resistors and changed the rectification...


System edited: I added the metal film resistors and the Cardas binding posts. The first ten hours have been amazing! I can't wait to get some more hours on them. The increased dynamics, micro detail and smooth highs are most evident so far.


System edited: the new APL siler reference interconnects are broken in now and they are awesome! much smoother top end than the original apl silvers. also more open sound stage, better deliniation between instruments and a quieter background.


System edited: I've done some major alterations: got rid of my Shunyata power cords and added two VH Audio Flavor 4s, put the preamp in the closet and am now using the digital attenuator in the APL2900 only, put in the new APL Hi-Fi Silver Reference ic's and WBT Nexgen RCAs on the amp... that was several months worth of upgrades btw.


System edited: New power cables... no thoughts on them yet.


System edited: added some new stuff.


System edited: replaced the old room shot.


System edited: i would still like to hear what others think might be a benefit to my system.


System edited: i'm considering an upgrade for my speakers. right now i'm auditioning a pair of dynaudio 1.3 mkIIs. they have much better bass slam than i had expected, the mids are pretty full, but a touch on the dry side and the highs are very smooth. the mids may be enhanced by swapping out the copper wiring for some silver. does anyone have any suggestions?


System edited: i think all my equipment is pretty maxed out with mods now and i'm looking down the upgrade path... speakers or a/c cables i'm thinking.


System edited: just added a few new pix.


System edited: new pix


System edited: new pix


System edited: just added a couple new pix.


System edited: i finally got my new digital front end. i'll add coments and more pix later. right now, i've got to listen to this amazing music machine some more.


System edited: what digital sources should i consider?


System edited: I've decided to sell my APL Hi-Fi SACD1000 in order to buy the APL Hi-fi Denon 2900 with internal volume control. Please feel free to e-mail me with any questions.


hey rooze, thanks for your thoughts. i do like to tweek the stuff. with my budjet, its not only efficient, its affordable. the double helix replaced a bi-wire set of dh labs q-10s with aq silver spades. the mapleshades are much more open, have better imaging, the hf is a tad cleaner and there's more low level detail. there's also a big improvement in the mid-hi. freqencies, which was the q-10 folly. the q-10s are very good cables for the money, but imho the double helix are several steps beyond them, for the same money. btw that's looks like a beautiful house you have there. how do you cope with the atrium-style ceiling?


System edited: just searching for insite... none found yet.


System edited: new speaker cables, verastarr copper damping in preamp and audio note female rcas... it's been a busy month.


System edited: lots of updated pix


System edited: just installed Vishay S102 resistors. does anyone have first hand knowlege on how long these take for break-in?


System edited: a BIG thanks to jeff glowacki at sonic craft for all of his time and advice on my on-going amp mods. his knowlege of this amp is truely unsurpassed by anyone i've come into contact with.


System edited: new interconnects and herbies ic dampers added.


System edited: new pix of the SACD1000


yeah, like the tnt site says; it's easier to balance with three and it's also easier to finagle larger equipment in. it also took about 20 minutes on the grinder to sharpen each spike, so one less was no problem there either. thanks for your coments. from the look of your work it would seem that you're a real woodworker, so i'm honered.


System edited: added a few new things to the system.


System edited: added new rack, entertainment center and SACD player. Alex's modifications on the Philips SACD1000 are absolutely incredible.


System edited: Since meeting Alex Peychev a few months ago, I've made some amazing modifications to my amp and preamp under his instruction. There are some new pix of these mods here now.


System edited: i upgraded my digital cable from a glass toslink to this pure silver coax from a.p.l. hi-fi. it's easily the best sounding digital cable i've ever heard and it only costs $145!


System edited: All new amplifier modifications performed by Alex Peycheva of APL Hifi, in Dublin California. The new Auricaps, Panasonic caps, Alan Bradley resistors and silver in teflon signal wire aren't broken in yet, but it already has much more air, bass slam and improved imaging.


System edited: new tubes and coupling caps


System edited: here's a pic of my latest amp mod. just out of the box, the auricaps already sound better than the red wima caps. much more open, lots more air and space, more fleshed out mids, cleaner highs and a bit more bass control all for $60.


System edited: here's a pic of the new system i'm building for my daughter. she has to start out with an s.e.t.


System edited: i took another trip to herbie's for some footers and another set of hal-os.


System edited: I just replaced a $100 digital coax with the $30 glass toslink. It's one of the most dramitic improvments i've made with a cable; lots more air and detail, very musical.


System edited: I've added some new power tweeks and new wooden knobs for the preamp. The knobs work great for antistatic.


i use cigar boxes lined with gray packaging foam. i just cut the shapes out with a razor blade.


thanks! she's a big jazz and latin fan so far. she was born listening to el son.


System edited: i've upgraded my isolation transformer with a Balanced Power Technologies BP Jr. MKII and updated all the pix.


System edited: i updated some photos and added a schematic for the se-40, since so many people seem to need one.


the tripplite is a possability, but it is actually very nuetral in the system. the only thing plugged into it is a pac idos, but i've been thinking about playing around with something else. as far as the cdp, i think it makes a great transport. i've been using the channel island set-up with very good results. i believe that power cords are different in every system. i've played around with a lot of them under the $500 mark, and i really like these. i am also very happy with the upgraded sr-16s. i've compared them side by side with the panatella mk2s, and i much prefered what i have. with the upgraded tweeter and crossovers, the sound, imaging and soundstage is pretty amazing. i do really appreciate your comments. i didn't even think anybody looked at my little hi-fi.


System edited: i recently added the vda-1 dac from channel island, with an onix thunder digital interconnect. i plan on upgrading the power supply to the vac-1 as soon as possable. i'll probably get another shunyata diamondback for the power supply as well. i'm really liking the dac so far. it's filled in the soundstage and brought a lot more detail, without adding any harshness to the system. i'll probably try some different digital cables, both coaxile and glass toslink in the future. i'd appreciate any feedback on the cable choices out there.


System edited: i've added some new details into the system like a new house, better electrical, and some new speaker mods.


System edited: new headphone set-up


i've been using this set-up for many years. the back of the cabinet has been removed and the door is vented, so it actually has very good air flow. the kt66s run a litte hotter than the old 5881s, but it's not a problem at all. as far as the imaging goes, the speakers are almost a foot in front of the rig. i've been pretty happy with soundstage and imaging too. i've just moved into a new house though, so i may be playing around with a few ideas, but for now i also have a new baby in the house so i don't think there's an equipment rack in my near future... but some day i will move all my two channel gear to another room and put together a ht for the family. thanks for your coments.


System edited:


thanks for your coments. to make the isolation bearings, i cut 1 1/4" segments of a 1 1/2" wooden dowell. first i sanded them level, then i drilled a hole in the center of each, filled with a bit of blu-tak and pushed in a chrome plated drawer pull. this cost me $7 for four. then i found a bearing store, who gave me four 1/2" bearings (free). i put them directly under my cdp. they have a much more detailed character than the big feet they replaced. the cdp moves very easily, but it only goes 1/2" in any direction. i think it was a very worth while tweak for the time and money. for better or worse, i bet they make a difference.


System edited: added more pix
